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Git support via libgit2 in CBVCS plugin


Fork of CBVCS plugin which uses libgit2 for git operations is available at

CBVCS plugin has nice integration with CB file manager. It shows different icons for different git state of the files and supports basic git operations like commit, add, revert ( does checkout internally).

In addition to libgit2 integration, this fork has following additional features
1. Doing operations on multiple selected files in file manager
2. menu item to view diff
3. menu item to refresh git status in the file manager.

Compared to other plugins like GitBlocks, I feel this plugin is more integrated into the Codeblocks architecture. Even though this does not support all the features, I find integration to filemanager and the diff feature quite useful as we can know the changes without switching to another application.

Tested in Ubuntu with libgit2 version 1.8.1 , wxWidget 3.2.4

Very nice work! Hope some git plugin will added to our C::B code repo in the near future.

Git is the way to go as everyone has moved to and app & web site support for SVN had dropped allot in the last 5 to 10 years.


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