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Building Codeblocks with LLVM Clang error
I'm trying to build codeblocks with llvm clang, this has to be used as i am cross compiling. i've hit a snag that i can't figure out how to work around it
it's related to the manager.h
--- Code: ---template <class MgrT> class DLLIMPORT Mgr
static MgrT *instance;
static bool isShutdown;
explicit Mgr(const Mgr<MgrT>&) { ; };
Mgr<MgrT>& operator=(Mgr<MgrT> const&) { ; };
Mgr() { assert(Mgr<MgrT>::instance == nullptr); }
virtual ~Mgr() { Mgr<MgrT>::instance = nullptr; }
static bool Valid() { return instance; }
static MgrT* Get()
if (instance == nullptr)
if (isShutdown == false)
instance = new MgrT();
cbAssert(false && "Calling Get after the subsystem has been shutdown is an error!");
return instance;
static void Free()
isShutdown = true;
delete instance;
instance = nullptr;
--- End code ---
--- Code: ---template<> ColourManager* Mgr<ColourManager>::instance = nullptr;
template<> bool Mgr<ColourManager>::isShutdown = false;
--- End code ---
cbcolourmanager.cpp|18|error: explicit specialization of 'instance' after instantiation|
how can i modify the code to get around this issue. i understand i need to declare the explicit specialization.. but how can i do this? how do i modify the header in such a way that this satisfies the c++ standard that llvm clang is trying to adhere to?
I did not see that error under MSys2 CLANG64 which uses
--- Code: ---$ clang --version
clang version 18.1.8
Target: x86_64-w64-windows-gnu
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: C:/msys64/clang64/bin
--- End code ---
Tim S.
the fix for anyone encountering this error in the future is
--- Code: ---template<class ColourManager> ColourManager* Mgr<ColourManager>::instance = nullptr;
template<class ColourManager> bool Mgr<ColourManager>::isShutdown = false;
--- End code ---
credit for figuring it out goes to jonas schwoebel
Miguel Gimenez:
With said change cbcolourmanager.cpp compiles, but when compiling the whole project you get this error (tested with MinGW):
--- Code: ---manager.h|224|undefined reference to `Mgr<ColourManager>::isShutdown'|
--- End code ---
--- Quote from: Miguel Gimenez on July 05, 2024, 05:31:06 pm ---With said change cbcolourmanager.cpp compiles, but when compiling the whole project you get this error (tested with MinGW):
--- Code: ---manager.h|224|undefined reference to `Mgr<ColourManager>::isShutdown'|
--- End code ---
--- End quote ---
with llvm clang it compiles and is a usable app. just ported this to arm32, running on the microsoft surface 1/2 nvidia arm soc.
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