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successor of 20.03 available?

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main focus is on stabilizing the clangd plug-in.

And fix regressions in the before hidden glob feature.


--- Quote from: killerbot on April 27, 2024, 08:11:57 am ---main focus is on stabilizing the clangd plug-in.

And fix regressions in the before hidden glob feature.

--- End quote ---
Is it planning to prepare "Nightlies" tarballs under to simplify packaging developer preview versions in Linux distributives?
Unfortunately the zip archives that generated by Sourceforge on request are temporary and URLs lifetime seems lesser than 24 hours. If request it again the zip-file has differ checksum.

I used code::blocks in the past and I wanted to use it again, but when I saw the last update in the 'new' ( I almost give up because I thought the project was abandoned.
Not everyone will check if the project is alive based on nightly builds for more than 4 years.

I See that I'm not alone with the requests for a new Release.
It looks like the way of keeping c::b alife by nightly build und may lead into a dead end.
What ist the Goal, having a perfekt IDE an no user who use it for his Hobby or Work
supporting a wide Community with an almost perfekt ide which may have some problems until the next version will be released?

Look to commercial products, they keep their Produkts well running by distributing Updates which are simple to use and Install. The nb Show that the Dev Team works hard, but they have Not learned how to Transfer the sw in a propper way to common Users.

Good luck



--- Quote from: TomS on July 29, 2024, 06:08:07 am ---Hello,
I See that I'm not alone with the requests for a new Release.

--- End quote ---
Defenetly not alone, but unfortunatelly it looks like the devs only can ofer beta versions called nightly builds.


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