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new idea: context menu to open the image in doxygen style comment



We can have such comment:

--- Code: ---  /*! Here is a snapshot of my new application:
   *  \image html application.jpg
   *  \image latex application.eps "My application" width=10cm

--- End code ---

I think when a user right click on the "application.jpg", we can generate a url to let the browser open this jpg file in the browser?

Because we already have a context menu named "Open link in browser" which is used to open a link, such as: "http://xxx.yyy.zzz" in the comment.

Any ideas?

Sometimes, we need images in the doxygen, but we need to find a quick way to view the image.

why not display it within a popup contex window, like message tips? And provide a entry to let the user have a change to show a big view via web browser.
And, how many people will use this feature?


--- Quote from: kipade on March 19, 2024, 04:37:52 am ---why not display it within a popup contex window, like message tips? And provide a entry to let the user have a change to show a big view via web browser.

--- End quote ---

Yes, context menu -> popup window could better.

--- Quote ---And, how many people will use this feature?
--- End quote ---

I don't know, but I think this is a nice feature, especially if you have diagram or flowchart in images.

This is the patch file for this simple feature.

When you right click on a image filename in the comment, such as "a.jpg".

Suppose you are editing a file named: "c:/abc/def.cpp", and you will open the file in the default image file browser.

--- Code: ---diff --git a/src/sdk/cbeditor.cpp b/src/sdk/cbeditor.cpp
index 71622d79..2a76d8a9 100644
--- a/src/sdk/cbeditor.cpp
+++ b/src/sdk/cbeditor.cpp
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ struct cbEditorInternalData
-    wxString GetUrl()
+    wxString GetUrl(wxString filename = wxEmptyString)
         cbStyledTextCtrl* control = m_pOwner->GetControl();
         if (!control)
@@ -409,6 +409,9 @@ struct cbEditorInternalData
+        wxRegEx reFile(R"raw([A-Za-z0-9]+\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|bmp|svg))raw");
         wxString url = control->GetSelectedText();
         // Is the URL selected?
         if (reUrl.Matches(url))
@@ -456,6 +459,31 @@ struct cbEditorInternalData
                 url = wxEmptyString; // nope, too far from cursor, return invalid (empty)
+        else if (reFile.Matches(url))
+        {
+            wxString match = reFile.GetMatch(url);
+            if ((url.Find(match) + startPos < control->GetCurrentPos()) &&
+                (url.Find(match) + startPos + (int)match.Length() > control->GetCurrentPos()))
+            {
+                // Translate short file path to absolute file path using the current source file path
+                // match is some string like "xyz.jpg" or "xyz.png"
+                if (match.IsEmpty())
+                {
+                    return wxT("file:///") + match;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    // suppose we are editing a file named : "c:/abc/def.cpp"
+                    // the file contains some piece of the comments which is "xyz.jpg"
+                    // we create an absolute file path of the image file named "c:/abc/xyz.jpg"
+                    wxFileName baseFilename(filename);
+                    wxFileName newFilename(baseFilename.GetPath(), match);
+                    return wxT("file:///") + newFilename.GetFullPath();
+                }
+            }
+            else
+                url = wxEmptyString; // nope, too far from cursor, return invalid (empty)
+        }
             url = wxEmptyString; // nope, return invalid (empty)
@@ -3289,7 +3317,7 @@ void cbEditor::OnContextMenuEntry(wxCommandEvent& event)
     else if (id == idFoldingToggleCurrent)
     else if (id == idOpenUrl)
-        wxLaunchDefaultBrowser(m_pData->GetUrl());
+        wxLaunchDefaultBrowser(m_pData->GetUrl(GetFilename()));
     else if (id == idSplitHorz)
     else if (id == idSplitVert)

--- End code ---

For another issue:

I see a lot of "\" (the escape) in the regular expression pattern string.

For example, in cbeditor.cpp, there are some patter string like below

--- Code: ---        wxRegEx reUrl(wxT("***:("

--- End code ---

Can we use the C++ raw string? Which we can remove a lot of "\".

Any ideas?


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