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.c single file compiles only once. any change and subsequent recompilation fails

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Did you verify in the Windows task manger that test3.exe is not still running?

Tim S.

Yes. It's not there (it disappears when I close the terminal window, as expected).

I also downloaded process explorer and tried to search for processes under that name, or any other meaningful name I could think of, cannot find anything .. I also searched on how to list all running processes via powershell and sort them by datetime for example (show most recent on top so i don't get lost), again I can see the process (name, pid, everything) when the terminal window is open, but when i close it there seems to be no process kept running that could somehow explain 'locking' test3.exe ...


--- Quote from: Miguel Gimenez on March 14, 2024, 10:25:07 am ---The "No project/No target/Unknown compiler" message has no sense, and

--- End quote ---

That means the OP is not using an CB project.

Tim S.

Miguel Gimenez:
Use the built-in Resource Monitor, see the second answer in this post for a guide.

Please try to create Project via project wizard initially (menu "File - New - Project") and then add file or files to compile into project. Then try to rebuild it.


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