User forums > Using Code::Blocks

My todo list is always empty

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Miguel Gimenez:
The OP has no spaces between the comment and the TODO and they lack user or priority information, so the regex may skip them.


--- Quote from: Miguel Gimenez on February 18, 2024, 09:57:58 am ---The OP has no spaces between the comment and the TODO and they lack user or priority information, so the regex may skip them.

--- End quote ---

In my test(see the screen shot in my previous comment), I do not have any spaces between "//" and the "TODO".

Thanks "ollydbg"

I tried the "type" button. Everything was checked, but the list was empty as you can see in my attached screenshot.

Then when I clicked OK, it refreshed the list and now it shows all my todo.

So it was a refreshment issue.

I'm grad that you find the solution.

I think the actual issue is that what time you want to refresh the list. (when you refresh the list, you mean you let the todo plugin to scan your source files in the project to detect those marked comment items).


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