Author Topic: Latest msys2/mingw64's gdb failed to start under Windows 7 and its solution  (Read 14622 times)

Offline omlk

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I don't use ucrt library, I think it doesn't work under Windows 7.  :)

Look at this: MSYS2: What's the difference between UCRT 64 and x64?

Am I correct?
I apologize to the forum readers and the administrator (who should respond to this situation), but the stahta01 character is inadequate. He only asks to be banned, although he himself violates the rules of the forum and is even unable to conduct a dialogue about the essence of the problem in the post, but simply litters the post without answers and proper verification of what he posts. stahta01 please reply to me personally by private message, and don't clutter up this thread of the forum that you don't like.

IIRC, there is an UCRT download for Windows 7.

Tim S.
Have you checked if your option works? Did you just read the title of the post and immediately express your opinion on the forum?

Have you read the rules?
Did you read the post I replied to?

If you did not the butt out; I am about to ask that you be banned!!

Tim S.
I apologize to the forum readers and the administrator (who should respond to this situation), but the stahta01 character is inadequate. He only asks to be banned, although he himself violates the rules of the forum and is even unable to conduct a dialogue about the essence of the problem in the post, but simply litters the post without answers and proper verification of what he posts. stahta01 please reply to me personally by private message, and don't clutter up this thread of the forum that you don't like.

Offline stahta01

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I don't use ucrt library, I think it doesn't work under Windows 7.  :)

Look at this: MSYS2: What's the difference between UCRT 64 and x64?

Am I correct?
I apologize to the forum readers and the administrator (who should respond to this situation), but the stahta01 character is inadequate. He only asks to be banned, although he himself violates the rules of the forum and is even unable to conduct a dialogue about the essence of the problem in the post, but simply litters the post without answers and proper verification of what he posts. stahta01 please reply to me personally by private message, and don't clutter up this thread of the forum that you don't like.

IIRC, there is an UCRT download for Windows 7.

Tim S.
Have you checked if your option works? Did you just read the title of the post and immediately express your opinion on the forum?

Have you read the rules?
Did you read the post I replied to?

If you did not the butt out; I am about to ask that you be banned!!

Tim S.
I apologize to the forum readers and the administrator (who should respond to this situation), but the stahta01 character is inadequate. He only asks to be banned, although he himself violates the rules of the forum and is even unable to conduct a dialogue about the essence of the problem in the post, but simply litters the post without answers and proper verification of what he posts. stahta01 please reply to me personally by private message, and don't clutter up this thread of the forum that you don't like.

I have reported you are trying to start an augment!!

Since, you refuse to state you have read the rules! And, you can not read the post I replied to I have to assume you can not understand English very well.

Link to the rules that you likely will not understand,9996.0.html

I also suggest you stop attacking open source projects like MSys2; esp. with political attacks that I am guessing is unfounded.

Edit: The PM system needs work; how do I block an person who decides that attacking the FLOSS projects and are too lazy or stupid to understand what are the limits of FLOSS projects.

Tim S.

« Last Edit: October 27, 2023, 05:47:23 pm by stahta01 »
C Programmer working to learn more about C++ and Git.
On Windows 7 64 bit and Windows 10 64 bit.
When in doubt, read the CB WiKi FAQ.

Offline nenin

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I don't use ucrt library, I think it doesn't work under Windows 7.  :)

It actually works even under XP, obviously not the last versions, and it not help too much because of outdated kernel. But it works.
Ucrt  is contemporary runtime of the VC, and it kind of substitutes msvcrt. Even if you use msvcrt builds,  it might help and at least it does not hurt.