Hello Developers.
The compiler autodetection is still overwriting the users configuration of the build-tools as reported here:
https://forums.codeblocks.org/index.php/topic,25535.msg173839.html#msg173839However, this happens only if the list of compiler-configurations in the used conf-file is not complete compared to the one stored by the newest revision of Code::Blocks.
- For analysing this, I copied my old conf-file under a different file.
- After opening and closing the new revision of Code::Blocks with the copied conf-file I was able to analyse the difference.
- Now I added in my old conf-file under the xml-path CodeBlocksConfig/compiler/sets the configurations for:
- msvc17 (as already suggested by Miguel Gimenez)
- gcc_mingw32
- While starting the new Code::Blocks revision the compiler autodetection seems not to become active any more. I get no warning pane and my own configuration will not be overwritten.
This is reducing the effort just in the manual extension of the conf-file instead of the reconfiguration of every single Code::Blocks project for using a new self created compiler (as discussed in the ticket
https://sourceforge.net/p/codeblocks/tickets/1420/). However, I understand this only as a temporary workaround.
The final solution will be either that the compiler autodetection is respecting the users configuration or a warning dialogue appearing before the compiler autodetection will be started to ask the user, if the user wants to skip the compiler autodetection to keep the current configuration.
Best regards,
Eckard Klotz.