Hello Miguel Gimenez and Tim.S.
Please accept my apologize for my late reply.
Commits in the range 13159-13166 are not related to global variables, are you sure 13159 works and 13166 does not?
I have tested it today again.
- I can confirm, it is working with the nightly from the 22.01.2023 (13159) and it is not working with the nightly from the 29.01.2023 (13166) .
- Please refer the 2 screen shots in the attached zip-file:
- CB_13159_compiler_toolchain_executables.png
- CB_13166_compiler_toolchain_executables.png
Actually I download every nightly. But for some reasons I don't change always to the newest one.
- The attached zip-file provides a screen shot from my nightly root-directory:
- The highlighted folders were tested by me to figure out when the issue occurred.
Based on the images; I am guessing the compiler auto detection is the problem area; instead of the global variable area.
This sounds plausible since the auto-detection warning-dialogue occurs always while starting Code::Blocks when the issue is present.
- However this was the case last year also.
- The attached zip-file provides a screen shot from my MinGW root-directory
- As you can see, I don't use the traditional root-directory for the build-suite.
- But I use an own root-directory parallel to other development tools.
- Furthermore, I provided more than one version and flavour.
- Thus, the auto-detection would always fail in my case.
- I use different personalities (defined in different conf-files) to choose the version and flavour to work with while starting Code::Blocks.
- Thus, I would expect that Code::Blocks is checking the paths configured in the global variables to use the build-tools configured there.
- If the tool-chain configuration is referring to global variables than Code::Blocks may check if they are validly configured.
- But if one of the global variable is not validly defined, than it is the responsibility of the user to correct its definition.
- However, Code::Blocks replaces the global variable by standard tool-names, what should not be done from my understanding.
- In my case the global variables are referring to valid build-suite locations.
- This means a valid configuration will be replaced by an invalid one.
Nevertheless, please have a nice weekend.
Best regards,
Eckard Klotz.