Author Topic: Process terminated with status -1 when I use "gnome-terminal -t $TITLE -x  (Read 3247 times)

Offline Pand

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Hello I'm new in the codeblocks forum, and more I'm french ;D

UBUNTU 22.04.2 LTS
GNOME 42.5

Terminal GNOME version 3.44.0 for GNOME 42
Emulator version 0.68.0 from VTE

CODE::BLOCKS 20.03 r11997 compiled 2022.09.01 wx 3.0.5 -gcc 11.2.0
SDK 2.0.0
Scintilla 3.7.5

In Setting/Environnement/Terminal to launch console programs:
 => termite -t $TITLE -e => it works correctly but very small font
If I try:
=> gnome-terminal -t $TITLE -x => I get error "Process terminated with status -1" and i don't get an output on the console terminal.

Separately, my Terminal Gnome works correctly

On my old computer, with same UBUNTU, same GNOME, same CB but compiled 2021.11.08, gnome-terminal works correctly.
I check all CB options on the both computers, I don't find difference

Sorry, but I don't find a solution in this forum and anywhere

Perhaps I need to plugin or add something, but what?
Have you some ideas?
Many thanks for your answer

Offline Pand

  • Single posting newcomer
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  • Posts: 2
Hello the community

Finally, I found

I uninstall CB compiled 2022.09.01

I install CB compiled 2021.11.08 from

And now gnome-terminal -t $TITLE -x run perfectly

Have a nice day