User forums > Using Code::Blocks

how start with sdl2 wizard Ansi-c project?


new on Gaming PC, need some help for sdl wizard.

I was coding on Raspbian(ARM Linux)

CodeBlocks ist Installed, with mingw.

maby some one have a link for a good start?

Maybe something in,22.0.html
will help.

Miguel Gimenez:
Check this link.

You will need to download and compile SDL2; I start MSYS (from MinGW) and execute ./configure followed by make.

If you are on Windows, you can try msys2, it has already prebuild sdl2 library.

See this page: Package: mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL2 - MSYS2 Packages

You can just install this library by pacman command.

Miguel Gimenez:
The last two messages are nonsense from the same stupid bot, using profile's URL for spam. The name generation algorithm is very basic.

There are more profile spam messages from these users:
- 4ian
- alderson2
- ElianGrady (known bot)
- energetictrust (aka uptightsigh, reconditetell and shrillpatience)
- HiramWindler (known bot)
- hurricane
- Imperial
- JavonteSporer (known bot)
- Kestrel
- plonkarchivist
- Ronnachai
- Timothy Lary
- VoltDriven
- _Andrey_


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