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GitBlocks to keep most of it working under Windows 10

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--- Quote from: sodev on September 15, 2023, 09:49:11 pm ---Uhm, well... not really :P.

The history looks like you cherry-picked the commit, that was the worst option (does the GitHub UI even offer that option?). In general you perform a merge, for external contributions i prefer to always enforce a merge, even if like in this case a fast-forward merge would have been possible.

Also, it is kind of bad practice to create a PR from the main branch, in general you make a feature branch and create a PR from that one.

--- End quote ---

Thanks for the feedback; I will do it manually next time; I dislike git merges.

So, next time I will do a manual commit and see if it works better or it works worse.

Tim S.

BOT, where is the repo.


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