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Possible linefeeds issues in SVN repo


I am doing some SVN to Git building and I think these files have linefeed issues.

Tim S.

--- Code: ---dos2unix src/sdk/cbart_provider.cpp && \
dos2unix src/include/cbart_provider.h && \
dos2unix src/include/cygwin.h && \
dos2unix src/include/editor_utils.h && \
dos2unix src/include/wxstringhash.h

--- End code ---

Miguel Gimenez:
The cpp file has mixed line endings, the others look good. For example (on MSW):

--- Code: ---$ file cbart_provider.cpp
cbart_provider.cpp: C source, ASCII text, with CRLF, LF line terminators
$ file wxstringhash.h
wxstringhash.h: C++ source, ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators

--- End code ---

EDIT: cbart_provider.cpp fixed in r13256.

The other files don't have eol-style set, on my windows i got them with LF line endings.

Miguel Gimenez:
r13257: Set svn:eol-style to native and svn:keywords to "Date Revision Author URL Id" in the .h files above so they match others.

Thank both for the changes.

Tim S.


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