Author Topic: Making Code::blocks as a universal editor as like VS code  (Read 4034 times)

Offline NESRockaman1987

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Making Code::blocks as a universal editor as like VS code
« on: March 22, 2023, 04:25:39 pm »
Hello Everybody!

I know C::B for a while (2010 from the University) and I really got used to it for the years. I used to run through C++ tutorials and C exams.
That's why I sending you these sentences hopefully someone have the solution my problem. I start using VS code which has many other options and plugins which I did not find in C::B.
But I still want to stay with Code::Blocks...

I like to set up C::B for every programming language  which I used (latex, pyhton, html,css etc.) or plan to use it (C#, mardown etc.) + I want git plugin into C::B and an built-in command line interface (shell/terminal) under the log&others to send scripts to it.

I try to create a website with C::B but when I opened again my code it shows me the output of the website and not the source code to edit again.
Also I did not find how can I switch to compiler gcc to latex, pyhton etc. :(

Is there any plugins to solve these problems or will be soon? Or C::B always be specify for C/C++ and maybe D and Fortran? 
Do guys planing to create LSP (language server protocol) for Code::Blocs or something like that?

Thank you!
Have a nice day!
« Last Edit: March 23, 2023, 09:06:52 am by NESRockaman1987 »

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Re: Making Code::blocks as a universal editor as like VS code
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2023, 01:13:10 am »
Hi, there is a clangd_client plugin, which implement the LSP for C/C++ language. You can see it's code in our official SVN repo.

But I'm not sure how complex to C::B support many other language LSP, such as C#, python.
If some piece of memory should be reused, turn them to variables (or const variables).
If some piece of operations should be reused, turn them to functions.
If they happened together, then turn them to classes.

Offline NESRockaman1987

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Re: Making Code::blocks as a universal editor as like VS code
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2023, 08:43:41 am »
Thank you, I will try it! :)