My point of view is, that the project file is like a make file. You have to modify a makefile if you add source files to be able to build it.
If you do not add them to the project we have some problems:
1) you can not modify properties of them: Only build with certain build targets ecc.
2) I had other problems with the old implementation, i can not remember any more exactly (it is a 3 years), i think code completion did not work correctly...
We have discussed this with the problems of the original implementation here:,22783.msg154862/topicseen.html
My opinion on this: This feature was never/seldom used by user before, because it had no ui/documentation. So the risk of breaking some project files is minimal. I also pointed this out in the announcement post (,25276.0.html). Now it has UI and documentation and we can expect it to be used... I for example need it for an upcoming plugin i currently am working on...
If you are absolutely against this implementation i can try to look into it and add some flag for old and new behavior?
I will look into the problems with the ids. Thank you for testing and pointing it out.
When I created this feature, long time ago, the intention is to mimic the glob feature of cmake. We have been relying on this feature extensively, and indeed it is not documented, since one needs to know how to use it, it has limitations, eg when new file is added, one needs to reload the project to pick up the new files. Code completion works, but not always, but with the old code completion plug-in it also worked like this, sometimes yes, sometimes no, but I can indeed think with this glob it is a bit worse.
Now that said, the cmake world is also no longer in favor of their glob feature (it also has some problems), and want sources to be explicitly added. Which we could translate to CB as :
- we also don't want this feature
- we remove both new and old behavior
- we keep the old behavior as is for backwards compatibility
I do think we need to keep the old behavior for backwards compatibility, since it was there to mimic cmake glob (and then you also did not have to touch the CMakeLists.txt anymore), this needs to be re-instated, because overhere everything is now collapsing.
So please provide the old way, and when the new way is wanted, have CB add per directory an extra flag to say new behavior (old behavior should need no changes to be made by the user), absence of this flag means old behavior.