I'm very surprize by these strange behavior of CB with two similar configurations of compiler : OW 2.0 version 32 and 64 bits
Explain : I want generate one version of my program with 32 bits version of OW 2.0 and with 64 bits version.
I configured normally directories of binaries and search include + lib for 32 bits version of OW2.0, and all is OK for compil + link.
I "copied" the configuration of OW 32 bits in CB and renamed it for 64 bits (only the directory ot binary change : C:\WATCOM\binnt64) : the new name of compiler is OpenWatcom (W64) Compiler.
When I want compil + link version 64 bits, the syntax for the linker is incorrect :
-------------- Clean: Release OW 64 in Lesson01 (compiler: OpenWatcom (W64) Compiler)---------------
Cleaned "Lesson01 - Release OW 64"
-------------- Build: Release OW 64 in Lesson01 (compiler: OpenWatcom (W64) Compiler)---------------
wcl386.exe -q -c -dNDEBUG -bcl=nt -iC:\WATCOM\h\nt -iC:\WATCOM\h -fo=objOW64\Release\Lesson01.obj Lesson01.c
wrc.exe -q -r -fo=objOW64\Release\Lesson01.res -iC:\WATCOM\h\nt -iC:\WATCOM\h Lesson01.rc
wlink.exe option quiet system nt_win LIBP C:\WATCOM\lib386\nt;C:\WATCOM\lib386 objOW64\Release\Lesson01.obj name binOW64\Release\Lesson01.exe library glu32,opengl32,advapi32,comdlg32,gdi32,winmm objOW64\Release\Lesson01.res
Error! E3033: directive error near 'objOW64\Release\Lesson01.obj'
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minute(s), 1 second(s))
0 error(s), 0 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 1 second(s))
For generate my program with 64 bits version of OW, the real syntax fot linker is :
wlink.exe option quiet debug all system nt_win LIBP C:\WATCOM\lib386\nt;C:\WATCOM\lib386 file objOW64\Release\Lesson01.obj name binOW64\Release\Lesson01.exe library glu32,opengl32,advapi32,comdlg32,gdi32,winmm option resource=objOW64\Release\Lesson01.res.
Thank'you for your help, I don't understand why, therefore with 32 bits version of OW 2.0 it's OK.
Thierry D.
PS : You can test my configuration of CB here :
https://github.com/tdechaize/Lesson01 (Lesson02, Lesson03 .... )