Author Topic: Symbols Browser losing track?  (Read 4845 times)

Offline gerwin

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Symbols Browser losing track?
« on: August 24, 2022, 04:52:03 pm »
I don't have Sourceforge account ready for So is it OK if I post this here with my forum account?
Using SVN Code:Blocks on an older operating System: WIndows XP SP3 x86.
Package kindly supplied here:,24592.msg170718.html#msg170718

Previously I was using Code::Blocks 16, and used the Symbols Browser - Global Functions to navigate .cpp files with up to 5000 lines of code. It always worked fine..
Unfortunately in the mentioned SVN version the Symbols Browser tends to lose track after like 10 minutes of using the IDE. I click a procedure in the symbols browser list and the code viewport goes to a different procedure and highlights it, not the one I selected.
Clicking the Symbols Browsers' display options tends to regenerate the list logic. For example select "Global Typedefs"  and then back to "Global Funcitons". After that it works properly again, for a little while.

« Last Edit: August 25, 2022, 12:18:58 am by gerwin »

Offline gerwin

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Re: Symbols Browser losing track?
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2022, 09:55:48 pm »
I looked at this issue again.

With Code::Blocks v17, when you hit the enter key in the editor, it creates a new line of course, and then the symbols browser automatically regenerates. This is obvious since the browser window starts a redraw, it shows the topmost entries again.

With Code::Blocks SVN, when you hit the enter key in the editor, the symbols browser does not respond to it. When you save your file with added lines, no response either. So that is why it gets out of sync. Logically only the parts above the newly added lines are still synched properly.

More recent Win32 builds by Xaviou, like rev12990: Same issue (also: malfunctioning alpha channels of toolbar icons)
My own Win32 build of rev12991 SVN with wxWidgets v3.2.1: Same issue (also: malfunctioning alpha channels of toolbar icons)  on Windows 7 x64: Same issue. This is a very early symbols-browser reimplementation
CB_20221022_rev12990_win64 on Windows 7 x64: Same issue. But less prone to crashing because of it, compared to the other three. 
« Last Edit: October 27, 2022, 07:44:26 pm by gerwin »