my cbp are not so different than standard ones. This work, based on Andrew Cotrell's one, try to avoid some hard coding settings.
Main differences are in folder name build which are initialised with global variables instead of beeing hard coded.
May be the major diference for 32 bit build is : for example with wxWidgets 3.1, the forder name with standard build are .objs31 and devel31, and with my cbp they are .objs31_32 and devel31_32, following the same logic than for 64 build names.
Also, compilation option -m32 or -m64 is built according to the global variable cb_build.osbits. The same for the name of the used wxwidgets libraries.
The compiler is simply gcc (as in standard build). So it's the 1st compiler found in your system path : it may be 32 or 64 bits, depending of your path settings order.