While waiting for DAP debugger feedback I have gone back to the project exporter and made allot of progress with the CMAKE export feature.
I have been able to take the C::B Windows workspace I use and export it to a set of CMAKE CMakeLists.txt & associated include files etc that can then be processed by CMAKE. To do this the SpellChecker & SmartIndent projects needed to be massaged by moving files and creating directories as the export was trying to create two or more CMakeLists.txt files in the one directory and as such the second one overwrote the first one as each target is output to a CMakeLists.txt file and these two projects had multiple target source files in the same root directory.
I am stuck with a "C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/12.2.0/../../../../x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: final link failed: file truncated" error, but I cannot figure out which file is causing the error as it's with the codeblocks.exe link and there are allot of files being linked. Attached is the build log. The error occurs if I use the default cmake or if I produce and build using make, so I do not think it's a problem with ninja or make.
Anyone got any ideas on how I can find the root cause of the failure?