It should be.
Normally, after my own update of the template on launchpad, there are two ways to work :
- you can directly translate on launchpad ;
- you can download the .po from launchpad. It contains normally all the chains from the last updated template (here 13003). Then you work on it locally, with poedit for example. When it's OK, you upload the modified .po file on launchpad. You can then approve your own work (I think) or wait for me to approve it.
I prefer the second solution, because working directly on launchpad is quite tedious (but it works well !), especially if you have a lot of translations to update.
Sometimes, on launchpad, you have to review one by one your own translations, particularly when some conflicts are detected by launchpad or some double translations (if somebody else has worked on the translation). Then you have to review them and choose the best one. Of course, such a job must be done by someone who knows well the translation language, not me.
