User forums > General (but related to Code::Blocks)

Code::Blocks Performance !!

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If I compile a project like wxWidgets2.6.2 with Mingw3.4.4 which means lots and lots of warnings, than looking in Task Manager I see g++ taking 3%-5% CPU and C::B itself taking 95% (no kidding :shock:). Needless to say that it is 10 times slower than to fire a CMD and do mingw32-make

I use an external makefile, PIII 1Gz with Intel-On-chipset Display adapter. OK not so strong, but 95/5 IDE/compiler is really bad. MSDEV on the same machine with same amount of errors does 7/93 IDE/compiler.

Could someone check on other machines/projects?
What you guys think??

Free Life

What version of Codeblocks are you using?

On my system, Code::Blocks takes about 3-5% CPU time.

What you are seeing is probably because you start a compile while the code completion plugin is still parsing. When working on something the size of wxWidgets in Code::Blocks, parsing can take a while if you have globals enabled...

This is very disadvantageous for three reasons:
- parsing and compiling fight over hard disk access
- parsing and compiling fight over the CPU
- parsing takes a lot of memory, and so does compiling (especially with PCH)

I'm using Feb 23

No It is definitely the std-output. I just did clean, the CPU is at 0% I press "build" button. At the beginning WX compiles some C files, no errors, CB is at 3-6%. Once it gets to cpp files and the
"warning: type attributes are honored only at type definition"
Than CB CPU goes to 90%+.

(is there a gcc switch to turn that warning off?)



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