Developer forums (C::B DEVELOPMENT STRICTLY!) > Plugins development
wxMDIChildFrame crash
I tried to make some test plugin which uses wxMDIChildFrame, the only changes made after plugin wizard are:
--- Code: ---
void wxMDITest::OnAttach()
new wxMDIChildFrame(Manager::Get()->GetAppWindow(),-1,"Test");
--- End code ---
While activating this MDI child, Code::Blocks crashes. I've compiled Code::Blocks by myself everything should be ok, other things like adding new pages to notebooks are working...
What I'm doing wrong ? :?
Can anybody help me ?
Yay! You're writing a plugin! :D
OK. First thing... you need to debug code::blocks.
*AND* you need to download the Code::Blocks sourcecode. My suspicion (warning: most of the time my suspicions are wrong, ask Yiannis :oops: ) is that somewhere in the code, Code::Blocks mistakes your childframe with a cbEditor window. :-/
So the only way to know what's happening is to compile codeblocks, put your plugin in the *development* directory of the project (it's src/devel/share/codeblocks), and debug.
(Yes, you need *TWO* copies of codeblocks. One's the version you downloaded and another one is the one you're compiling. You use the working version to debug the developing version.
Hope that helps.
Yep. I'm writing a plugin, at least I'm trying to ;)
I got the sourcecode of code::blocks, my second - plugin-testing - copy.
Your suspicions are probably right, when I added cpEditor in my test plugin everything was ok (even though I could't close that window it was displaying and working properly).
So, let's debug... maybe there will be some nice bug report soon :P
I found it.
cbEditor* EditorManager::GetActiveEditor()
wxMDIParentFrame *appwindow =Manager::Get()->GetAppWindow();
if(!appwindow) return 0; // prevents segfault
return static_cast<cbEditor*>(appwindow->GetActiveChild());
Obviously we need to adapt EditorManager to handle special non-editor cases... Yiannis, any ideas of how to handle this?
--- Quote ---Obviously we need to adapt EditorManager to handle special non-editor cases... Yiannis, any ideas of how to handle this?
--- End quote ---
Yes, I have something in mind. Let me run some tests first and then I 'll come back to you.
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