Note: Why not use templates or something to change the code?
(object definitions here)
Basically it will be based in something like this, the main problem I've found while testing wxFormBuilder was that it was generating whole class (with additional note that files with generated code shouldn't be modified outside) - so using it would mean parsing, splitting into some pieces and then putting modified parts inside real code. Huh, a lot of work...
And of course, why not to xrc? It's much easier to manage - of course, knowing your have to use xml...
Using XRC is very good idea but my dream is to create editor which would be easily extensible (such extensibility was used f.ex. in C::B :wink: ) and I'm not sure if XRC allows it
...just imagine that You need some database components but wxWidgets are not providing tools You need, just few clicks and You have new widget downloaded directly from internet, fully integrated with Your project...
ok, back to the reality. I'm planning to use XRC but first I need to supply something that would work in any way.