Author Topic: Code::Blocks future ?  (Read 20491 times)

Offline cdavalillo

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Re: Code::Blocks future ?
« Reply #15 on: May 29, 2022, 10:32:46 am »
I'm a relatively new user of Code::Blocks and I think that it works perfectly, the only one thing that I believe you're right is when you say

The tools and help are practically absent...

This is one of the problems that make some users to quickly done with Code::Blocks, all developers should know that the help, the documentation, the API references, etc., are as important as the application itself in order to the application succeed in the goal for which it is made.

Offline cdavalillo

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Re: Code::Blocks future ?
« Reply #16 on: May 29, 2022, 10:47:43 am »
I agree CB sucks, i quit this ide long time ago and i'm happy about it.  ;)

Some users sucks...

Offline rechtsanwaltsteyer

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Re: Code::Blocks future ?
« Reply #17 on: June 03, 2022, 12:24:57 pm »
Hello jean raphael,
on your post of March 16, 2022, which I read recently, here is my opinion: I also use Code::Blocks 20.03; without nightly builds. My contribution to this project is the extensive translation into German and making the corresponding .po/.mo files available in Launchpad.
I always get annoyed with Code::Blocks about some things that don't meet my expectations: Codecomletion/Help pp. But I'll be careful not to approach the Code::Blocks team like you did. This is just indecent! You can't use something for free and then make claims! In Germany there is a saying: "You don't look a gift horse in the mouth!" If Code::Blocks is too immature or otherwise inconvenient for you, then use (like I do to some extent) the Qt Creator with the prospect that someday can no longer be used due to unforeseen license changes.
Georg Michael Steyer, Rechtsanwalt


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Re: Code::Blocks future ?
« Reply #18 on: July 14, 2023, 10:02:36 am »
I agree CB sucks, i quit this ide long time ago and i'm happy about it.  ;)

Are you sure? Or have you changed your view? I am thinking about CB.

I am sorry for bump :)

Offline Evan

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Re: Code::Blocks future ?
« Reply #19 on: August 24, 2023, 12:20:25 pm »
As a immediate C and C++ programmer in Windows and Linux using CodeBlocks. I really, really enjoy using CB and I'm learning a lot. I'm using the Raylib library and had issues about the settings and installaton in Linux, but after a session with ChatGPT, it succeeded after all.

I have coded a working relations database business software C++ for my wife in CodeBlocks/Windows - about 5000 lines of code and are still married.  :)

I don't have skill to improve or debug a project like CodeBlocks, and I often thinks, it's fantastic, that CodeBlocks is free.

A very happy and a very grateful CodeBlocks user.  :)