Author Topic: nightly ANSI?  (Read 43075 times)

Offline MoonKid

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nightly ANSI?
« on: February 25, 2006, 10:06:57 pm »
Why is there no nightly ANSI for Win98se?

No I am using and testing an "inofficial" ANSI-build.
Code::Blocks 1.0 revision 2062 Build: Feb 23 2006, 03:02:53 - wx2.6.2 (Windows, ANSI)

I am testing it with my bugs and problems I have described earlier here. I am not finished yet.
But there are some other little bugs (for example: icons in the environment settings dialog have a black background). I know that this bug could be fixed in the current official nightly.

Other way... (sorry for my english)
If I find a bug (in my some days/weeks old ANSI), I am not sure if it is fixed in the current nightly. So I should not report the bug in the normal way.

Is it possible to make a nightly ANSI, too? Then I could join the normal bug-reporting process.

If it is not possible should I contact someone (killerbot?) and report my bugs on a inoffical way by mail?

Offline killerbot

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Re: nightly ANSI?
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2006, 10:17:00 pm »
Well the official supported CB is unicode.
To get a Unicode build working on Win9X we should build by linking with some other library, something like unicows. I have researched it shortly, but no decision was made at that time. Also I am not yet 100% sure I understood everything about it.

Nevertheless, we don't want to upset our win9x friends, so I try to build a weekly ansi build. Normally tomorrow I will create a new ansi build. Please do report all errors you encounter, bug are bugs. There might always be a situation that it might not get fixed, but in the end we learn from every mistake !!!

I am looking into something to have an ansi build nightly (I have some ideas), but have to find some spare time for that first.

Hope you can live with that for now.

We are also looking to provide nightly linux builds.
Other builds we (c)(sh)ould provide : linux and windows 64 bit, Mac ,... But at the moment our focus is on the Windows Unicode 32 bit. This is also what we use for development (don't know if I can speak for all devs for this?).

Offline MoonKid

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Re: nightly ANSI?
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2006, 10:31:26 pm »
> To get a Unicode build working on Win9X we should build by linking with
> some other library, something like unicows.

unicows it used by OpenOffice. Maybe you can find some help and informations about it there...

Offline thomas

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Re: nightly ANSI?
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2006, 10:38:01 pm »
Why is there no nightly ANSI for Win98se?
It should be understood that those nightly builds are a service that Lieven provides exclusively for the users' convenience. To be most effective, he chose the configuration which is standard (Unicode) and the operating system which has the largest user group (Windows XP).

But at the moment our focus is on the Windows Unicode 32 bit. This is also what we use for development (don't know if I can speak for all devs for this?).
Well, at least two use Ubuntu 64 besides Windows XP, and one uses SuSE... :)
I'd provide Ubuntu nightly builds if I had figured how. To date, I haven't got the time to read through how-to-build-a-package or what it's called though ;)

But there are some other little bugs (for example: icons in the environment settings dialog have a black background). I know that this bug could be fixed in the current official nightly.
This is a Windows 98/ME/2000 deficiency, not a Code::Blocks bug. You can fix it by installing a more recent version of Internet Explorer.
Strangely, this does not work for Windows 2000 (although it should). However, we have a workaround for Windows 2000.

If I find a bug (in my some days/weeks old ANSI), I am not sure if it is fixed in the current nightly.
That is what the SVN changelog is good for. In fact, everybody should look at the changelogs and at the "SVN version issues" forum before reporting a bug (and luckily, most people indeed do that).
"We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: Premature quotation is the root of public humiliation."


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Re: nightly ANSI?
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2006, 10:40:32 pm »
I have been compiling C::B with libunicows for the past months, and it works well, but unfortunately I only have Unicode-enabled OSes so I don't know how well it works on Win 9x.

poEdit is a well known wxWidgets app that is distributed compiled with libunicows, so only one binary is used.

Offline killerbot

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Re: nightly ANSI?
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2006, 10:47:33 pm »
Oh I forgot, I also use Suse, I build CB on it from svn (by using .configure, make, ....).
But I don't know how the packaging works yet, but Daniel(2000) is giving my a very helpfull hand. Mainly due to his knowledge I will crack this soon.

@Takeshi : Since you build with that libunicows, do you think it is possible you provide a download link to such a build so some win9x users could test it ??

As far as I remember there could be some licensing issues with that libunicows, or M$ does not agree with what people are doing with it, don't remember for sure anymore.


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Re: nightly ANSI?
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2006, 10:50:25 pm »
@Takeshi : Since you build with that libunicows, do you think it is possible you provide a download link to such a build so some win9x users could test it ??
Yes, altrough I doubt it will work on first-shot :P

As far as I remember there could be some licensing issues with that libunicows, or M$ does not agree with what people are doing with it, don't remember for sure anymore.
No, I have researched, no license problems.

Offline MoonKid

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Re: nightly ANSI?
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2006, 10:57:16 pm »
But there are some other little bugs (for example: icons in the environment settings dialog have a black background). I know that this bug could be fixed in the current official nightly.
This is a Windows 98/ME/2000 deficiency, not a Code::Blocks bug. You can fix it by installing a more recent version of Internet Explorer.

I got the current IE-version (6.0.2xx).

Offline lrm

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Re: nightly ANSI?
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2006, 02:02:06 am »
Oh I forgot, I also use Suse, I build CB on it from svn (by using .configure, make, ....).
But I don't know how the packaging works yet, but Daniel(2000) is giving my a very helpfull hand. Mainly due to his knowledge I will crack this soon.

This is very useful:

Offline balgior

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Re: nightly ANSI?
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2006, 03:27:19 am »
I asked for an ANSI build too recently and got a response, although a weekly ANSI build would be grate!!!

take a look here:

and here is the build:

   Ok, I fully understand that other people can't be occupied building ANSI builds for us that can't build them ourselves, for some reason (for example i had some problems building the wxWidgets dll and when i managed that, then i couldn't open properly the codeblocks.cbp project because cb1.0rc2 wasn't able to define this "wx global variable" (path of wxWidgets) and i couldn't find the proper makefile so as to build it through command line. An had problems with Ceniza's newer release (probably was my fault but...). Well, im not a hell of a programmer... (yet!!!  8) )) As for installing a newer version of windows.. this is impossible for my ancient pc - other problems appear then, much more serious....

   So when killerbot released a recent ANSI build i was really amazed of the progress C::B has made since RC2 and really loved C::B moooooooooore.  :D Think of how convenient would be to us, the minority of ANSIS-poor-guys  :lol: , a weekly ansis release (if possible) or a release when you people think that major improvement have been made...

And lastly, i had some real problems with the plugins provided at the ansi build i mentioned above, When i tried to open the menu : "Settings->Editor" C::B just crushed - it had problems loading the plugins. If i could help somehow on this (ie send you error messages or drmingw's reports or something else) please tell me what to do cause i don't really know.

Thanx and sorry for this looooooooooooong post!  :shock:

Offline Conan Kudo

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Re: nightly ANSI?
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2006, 04:15:29 am »
I believe that this may help.... A Unicode redistributable for Windows 9x! Get it here!
I am not sure whether it works or not with C::B, please tell me, since I do not have a Win9x machine working at the moment (crashed because an idiot developer tried to configure explorer to be the compiler, I need to talk to that guy...) and if it does, I will be able to stop building ANSI builds myself just for it...

EDIT: Better yet, just post in here if it works or not! That way I can recommend it if it works!
« Last Edit: February 26, 2006, 05:04:00 am by Pharaoh Atem »

Offline killerbot

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Re: nightly ANSI?
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2006, 09:42:40 am »
recap :

1) tonight I will create a new ansi nightly (will do it weekly)
2) I am going to do experiments for that unicows thingy (so that 1 build would suit all M$ OS users), I don't have win9X, so I will post these test build in the HELP forum (since I need help ;-) ), so I hope all of you win9X users will download and try it out then. So hopefully we will crach this sucker this week, so that the weekly ones will no longer be needed.

Offline Conan Kudo

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Re: nightly ANSI?
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2006, 02:07:56 pm »
I got my Windows 98 VM installed, so I am going to test the Unicode Layer to see if C::B works with it...
EDIT: I tested the program, but the program does not look for the Unicode layer, it just looks for what OS is running... See if a build can be reprogrammed to look for the unicows.dll file in the Code::Blocks directory or <Windir>\System directory on Windows 9x. If we could use libunicows (at sourceforge) to implement MSLU function in the program, then we can have one build for all Win32 OSes!!!!
« Last Edit: February 26, 2006, 05:08:59 pm by Pharaoh Atem »

Offline balgior

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Re: nightly ANSI?
« Reply #13 on: February 28, 2006, 11:03:36 pm »
recap :

1) tonight I will create a new ansi nightly (will do it weekly)
2) I am going to do experiments for that unicows thingy (so that 1 build would suit all M$ OS users), I don't have win9X, so I will post these test build in the HELP forum (since I need help ;-) ), so I hope all of you win9X users will download and try it out then. So hopefully we will crach this sucker this week, so that the weekly ones will no longer be needed.

That would be great i think! Probably you know what you have to do better than me but what i think the steps are:

a)c::b will then have to use another - different "wxmsw26u_gcc_cb.dll" version built using the "MSLU=1" flag. Which means that in order to have a unicode version of "wxmsw26u_gcc_cb.dll" working on win9x OS as well, we have to link "unicows.dll" when building "wxmsw26u_gcc_cb.dll". Unicows.dll is "free" to use i think but the library to link it is not (well, what i just said is not quite clear - we have to make it clear before we do anything) Or a more appropriate approach on this could be found at "Opencow.dll" is a substitute for "unicows.dll" (but i'm not sure it's complete or supported by wxWidgets, at the URL above there is more info on this) And, of course, a "free" version of the needed linking library at (works with unicows - should be working with opencow too) (here there is some info about legal things too). Just put the dll and library at the folder where wxWidgets are built (./lib/msw i think it is) and go on..

b)so, now that we've built the win9x version of "wxmsw26u_gcc_cb.dll" (i've actually done it) we have to build c::b using this dll (this is what i have not managed to do yet). I suppose no more changes should be made at the project, since unicows.dll/opencow.dll is linked at wxWidgets and i suppose they've taken care of it actually working. So we just have to build a new wxWidgets dll and use this from now on

Well, i'm not sure that my instructions were clear or that i didn't ommit anything but since we are a community.. i thought i should share it even if i talk nonsense (if killerbot hadn't stated that he would "do experiments" probably i would't have said anything, assuming that there's no need to)

Offline killerbot

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Re: nightly ANSI?
« Reply #14 on: February 28, 2006, 11:37:04 pm »
thanks for this info.
today it is also for me still unclear, I have noticed in several topics of the last few months some contradicting statements, so research and testing is what we need to do.
All relevant info is welcome.