User forums > General (but related to Code::Blocks)

FYI: MSYS2 rolling out mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc-11.2.0-1

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There is one thing which annoys me a little bit : there are new warnings in the wxWidgets compilation itself (in spinctlg.cpp) and more in the wxWidget's samples concerning in particular deprecated comparisons (also in my own wxWidgets programs). You can avoid them by adding the compilations flags -Wno-deprecated-enum-enum-conversion and/or -Wno-deprecated-float-enum-conversion. Apparently, this is because I use -std=gnu++20, but with previous g++ (10.3), the same options did not give the same warnings.

I did another MSYS2 update and GDB 11.1 package was in the update list and a few other packages.


--- Quote from: AndrewCot on October 28, 2021, 06:21:42 am ---I did another MSYS2 update and GDB 11.1 package was in the update list and a few other packages.

--- End quote ---
Good news. I also updated my MSYS2 suite to the latest version.

I see one issue when using msys2's wx library:

See here: The wxWidgets library should be rebuilt against the latest gcc 11.x Issue 2677 msys2/MSYS2-packages

I got different ABI mismatch report.

Thanks for the info.

I have been bitten way way way back in GCC 2.x days with incompatibility issues. This is not an issue if you build wxWidget from source and then use it when building C::B, which is what I have done.


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