I'm using CodeBlocks 1.0RC2 on Gentoo Linux 2005.1. My problem is, I can't get C::B to execute the allegro-config script as linker argument, needed by Allegro library (
The script supplies a few linker arguments. It's located in /usr/bin, and I try to use it by adding `allegro-config --libs` to linker commands (_not_ the library list). I get:
g++: `allegro-config: No such file or directory
Everything runs smooth when compiled from command line, though. I tried replacing the script reference with its output:
-L/usr/lib -Wl,--export-dynamic -lalleg-4.2.0 -lalleg_unsharable
But I get another error, "couldn't find -lalleg_unsharable" even though it is in /usr/lib, included in the linker directories.
Any help appreciated.