Author Topic: Guide for building C::B on Linux request due to wiki 502 error  (Read 30608 times)

Offline cacb

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Re: Guide for building C::B on Linux request due to wiki 502 error
« Reply #15 on: November 21, 2021, 07:42:09 am »
Saying that SF has GIT support, so the first thing is for someone to figure out how GIT in SF works if you are already are using SVN see if you enable/setup/config GIT in SF what how do the SVN and GIT interact and will this enable usage of both GIT or SVN and the changes automatically get applied to the other. I have no idea if this is possible or not or how SF version control works under the hood.

I tried to access the SF SVN repo with SF's claimed git support, but I couldn't make it work. Maybe that's just me, but anyway. So instead I installed the support for svn in git (I use Kubuntu 20.04 for this):

sudo apt-get install git-svn
git svn clone codeblocks-code
Clearly, if you research git-svn it is possible to feed back updates to SVN repos from git svn, but I think it would be much easier if the main C::B repo was a git repo, on github or somewhere else.

By the way, I can now see that the latest SF SVN updates to C::B from a few hours ago have been successfully replicated in my github mirror, so it seems to be working as intended.

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Re: Guide for building C::B on Linux request due to wiki 502 error
« Reply #16 on: November 21, 2021, 07:49:18 am »
@caab your GITHUB repo like OBF's does NOT include the SVN referenced Fortran repo. Be aware that as such if you use it as it is it will not build due to the missing Fortran plugin source.

Where is the Fortran repo? How does this work with SVN? My repo is a direct copy of SVN trunk. Is there some mechanism in svn that clones an external repo similar to git submodule?

If there is anything to fix, as a minimum I need some pointers.

Offline cacb

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Re: Guide for building C::B on Linux request due to wiki 502 error
« Reply #17 on: November 21, 2021, 09:43:23 am »
If there is anything to fix, as a minimum I need some pointers.

Actually, I don't understand the claim that the Fortran plugin is missing. I just tested C::B built yesterday from my github mirror, where supposedly the Fortran plugin is missing, but I was able to compile and build a Fortran program just fine. All I had to do was to install gfortran (under Kubuntu 20.04)

sudo apt-get install gfortran

In C::B I did
File -> New Project ... Fortran Application 
I chose the "GNU Fortran Compiler" and  it worked, see attached screenshot.

Is this because I have a default.conf from before or what? As far as I can tell Fortran works just fine.

Offline AndrewCot

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Re: Guide for building C::B on Linux request due to wiki 502 error
« Reply #18 on: November 21, 2021, 10:58:02 am »
Sorry, but I am not a SVN user, apart from fetching C::B from SF. As such some of the SVN info below I only just looked up.

1. The fortran repo is on SF
    The CBFortan plugin home page is:
   On the page the dev section has the following:
The major part, which makes C::B IDE useful for Fortran, is FortranProject plugin. This plugin has a separate project for development on Sourceforge. There you can download latest source code directly from svn.
The fortran plugin SVN repo is:

2. The plugin references can be found by searching for "FortranProject" the src/*.workspace files and in the src\plugins\contrib\ Be aware that ticket 1155 restores the Fortran plugin in the workspace files.

3. I may be completely wrong, but you are correct in that you do not need the plugin to compile a fortran program. It adds a Fortran menu and options that make it easier. Attached is

4. When I browse the SF SVN C::B repo using Tortoise SVN on Windows the src\plugins\contrib\FortranProject as a little arrow on the folder icon on the bottom left. The PythonPlugns also has the same arrow, so it may also be missing.
 When I click on the src\plugins\contrib\FortranProject directory the URL in the TortoiseSVN broser shows
 When I click on the src\plugins\contrib\PythonPlugns directory the URL in the TortoiseSVN broser shows

My conclusion is like GIT sub modules SVN can also reference other repos. For SVN externals checkout the following for info on it.

5. The source that are used to create the Windows installer are in the following SF repo:
   This SVn repo will also need to be converted to GIT.  See ticket 1119 and as I have worked on the installer and moved it into the main repo as the scripts to build the Debian are in the main repo so why shouldn't the Windows files. So it may be easier to move/update the installer. I am still waiting for feedback from MortenMacFly  as per the following thread,24603.0.html

6. The source for the documentation needed to create the docs are in the following SF repo:
   This SVN repo will also need to be converted to GIT. It is not easy to generate the docs, see,23614.msg160976.html#msg160976 for info/help/tips/tricks etc....

7. There are other SF repo's under the following folder that are very old and as such may not be of any use

Offline AndrewCot

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Re: Guide for building C::B on Linux request due to wiki 502 error
« Reply #19 on: November 21, 2021, 11:36:50 am »
Before you start this have a look at the following plugin:

And get a few of the long term devs on board otherwise you will be doing work for nothing and based on previous posts this may not flay. The tickets are littered with devs who who have supplied patches and no one has looked at them and as such they wasted their time and the patches will never be incorporated. I worked on generating a list of tickets that could be closed easily and this went no where.

The reason for the changes not being incorporated has driven good devs away from the project. Once you figure out how the process works or does not work you will understand why. I would suggest you start with something smaller that could potentially make it into the truck and see how the process works and who is involved in the process.

Offline cacb

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Re: Guide for building C::B on Linux request due to wiki 502 error
« Reply #20 on: November 21, 2021, 06:09:12 pm »
Sorry, but I am not a SVN user, apart from fetching C::B from SF. As such some of the SVN info below I only just looked up.

Thank you for a lot of info, I am also not an SVN user  8) . Let me clear up some points, though. Note that my ambition is not to reform the Code::Blocks main repository, I just want a convenient mirror on Github. 

Ideally, if you 'git clone' from that mirror, the result should be the same as for 'svn checkout' from the original SVN repo. It turns out that this is not 100% the case now because the contrib plugins FortranProject and PythonPlugins are missing. So why are they missing?

It turns out that in SVN you have something called svn externals which is kind of similar to git submodules, but not quite. SVN Externals are references to separate SNV repos, but svn externals and git submodules are sufficiently different that git-svn doesn't support externals. There are many discussions like this on the net, but no really obvious solutions for a case like this, or at least I haven't found one.

For now, developers who want to build C::B with plugins FortranProject and/or PythonPlugins should use the svn repo directly. I can't really see how a github mirror can accomodate such externals without messing with the commit history. At least it would require some research to come up with a solution, and personally I don't use those plugins.

If the repositories all migrated permanently to git, then FortranProject and PythonPlugins could become git submodules.

Your points:

1. See above
2. See above
3. Yes you can build a Fortran project without the FortranProject plugin, but maybe miss some features like debugging.
4. Those arrows indicate svn externals

To obtain a git mirror with all external plugins require solving the svn externals => git incompatibility issue.

Offline AndrewCot

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Re: Guide for building C::B on Linux request due to wiki 502 error
« Reply #21 on: November 21, 2021, 11:51:05 pm »
In total agreement.

Offline gd_on

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Re: Guide for building C::B on Linux request due to wiki 502 error
« Reply #22 on: November 22, 2021, 09:43:42 am »
May be a simple solution is that Darmar (the FortranProject plugin author) creates a git copy synchronized of his svn repository. Then adding a git submodule is easier.
The same for other plugins as python probably.
Windows 11 64 bits (23H2), svn C::B (last version or almost!), wxWidgets 3.2.5 (tests with 3.3), Msys2 Compilers 14.1.0, 64 bits (seh, posix : gcc, g++ and gfortran in C:\msys64\mingw64) or 32 bits (dwarf2, posix  in C:\msys64\mingw32).

Offline cacb

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Re: Guide for building C::B on Linux request due to wiki 502 error
« Reply #23 on: November 22, 2021, 05:34:30 pm »
May be a simple solution is that Darmar (the FortranProject plugin author) creates a git copy synchronized of his svn repository. Then adding a git submodule is easier.
The same for other plugins as python probably.
I think the following is true:

If the original C::B repo is in svn, then the contrib repos must be svn also (referenced as svn externals). If the original C::B repo is in git, then then the contrib repos must be git also (referenced as git submodules or git subtrees). I do not believe it is possible to mix.

If all repos were mirrored to git, you would still have to manually modify the C::B mirror to reference the git mirrors instead of the original svn externals. But maintaining this would require additional commits so it can't be done in the master branch and would as a minimum require a separate git branch just to handle this I think (I could be wrong as there are many things in git I don't know that well). Maybe this is workable, not sure.

So it isn't really straightforward to support the svn externals unless all move permanently to git.

--- thinking loud:

Another elaborate scheme I thought about was using the git-svn-clone-externals scripts which creates symlinked local git-svn clones of svn externals to create an effect in git that resembles the original svn external. But it only works locally on linux with symlinks, and you can't push it to github in any meaningful way.

Even more elaborate would be to modify the git-svn-clone-externals script to create a git subtree instead of a linux symlink. This would also have to happen in a separate branch. In this case it would be possible to push the result to github and everyone would get a complete copy similar to svn. But I have not researched if this can be maintained easily. Again a separate branch would be needed I think. And yes, it sounds like a lot of work.