Let me start by saying that the issues could be due to my Windows 11 setup and if you think they are let me know. I have W11 installed as a guest as I want to play with it before upgrading my main PC as IMHO I do not want to get stuck and have to reinstall everything again on my main PC.
I have Windows 11 configured as a virtual guest on Virtualbox 6.1.30 under Windows 10. I have installed MSYS 2 and installed a bunch of packages like I have on my W10 box. I copied my wxwidget 3.1.5 source tree from W10 to W11 and tried to build it, but it hung when creating the DLL using the bin utilities ar.exe. I tried again is the same thing occurred.
Anyone got any pointers or ideas on this one or should I try the wxwidget forums? I won't look at this tonight (Oz time). O could try a different compiler or bin utilites or the latest wxwidget source or TBA or .....