Hi everybody
I have started to (partly) use CB (for plugin development for flight sim XPlane based on its SDK) under Linux (Mint) instead of W10. With some help I could get the SDK with CB running under W10, however, so far I could not manage to get this working under Linux and would be very grateful for some help.
The basic settings I made under W10 are as follows:
for the compiler:
Preferences-Compiler-Linker settings-Link libraries: link to the SDK lib directory
Preferences-Compiler-Linker settings-Other linker options: -lopengl32 (as the plugin uses openGL)
Preferences-Compiler-Search directories-Compiler: link to the SDK headers directories
Preferences-Compiler-Search directories-Linker: link to the SDK headers directories
Preferences-Compiler-Compiler settings-#includes: some variables (IBM=1, XSDK301=1 etc.)
for the project:
Project-Properties-Build targets-Release: DLL
All other (standard) settings of CB are left unchanged
For CB under Linux I have basically used the same settings understanding that there are some differences, e.g. no need of dll-paths.
For test purposes under Linux the SDK provides some ready project(s) containing a cpp-file and a make-file. Need to admit that I am not familiar enough with IDEs/programming to understand the correct use of a make file.
With CB under Linux I have created an empty project and added the content of the cpp-file. Further settings of CB are made as described above except for the dll-paths. The SDK tutorial/instructions for linking under Linux are as follows:
Linking on Linux
There are no link libraries on Linux for the SDK; instead pass the command-line option
-shared -rdynamic -nodefaultlibs -undefined_warning
to the linker. This will let you link despite not having XPLM symbols defined. To include libraries like OpenGL use this:
-lGL -lGLU
Frankly speaking I am not sure where to put the shown command-line option in CB (for Linux). Putting this under Preferences-Compiler-Linker settings-Other linker options does not compile without errors not saying that this is the reason. Perhaps there are some other missing/wrong settings in CB.
Thanks up-front for any help