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Updating wxWidgets project wizard
I will have to think about it some more (and perhaps try writing code), I should have more time to do that at the beginning of July.
Obviously, the wizard should be as easy to use but also as versatile as possible. These two may not go hand in hand.
I am afraid that in order to support all kinds of builds (e.g., makefile, cmake, configure...), the wizard will have to ask the user which kind of build to use. Based on the choice, the user will be asked about the wxWidgets folders locations (include, libraries).
--- Quote from: oBFusCATed on June 21, 2021, 05:22:13 pm ---
--- Quote from: PB on June 21, 2021, 04:41:48 pm ---However, I am not sure how to fit this in the existing wizard and if it is even possible implement with the scripting API.
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Why do you think it is not possible? You want to do the detection automatically?
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I would like at least obtaining wxWidgets version be automatic, if nothing else to attempt some future-proofing. As I wrote before, I believe the scripting API lacks a function such as wxDir::FindFirst() which finds a file based on a wild card match. Such function can be used to get wxWidgets version but also to detect library naming pattern or whether the build is static/dynamic, monolithic/multilib...
BTW, are there easy-to-follow and up-to-date instructions on how to build Code::Blocks on Windows? I did try to find them back when I started messing with the wizard but could not find any.
Miguel Gimenez:
The wiki is reasonably up to date.
I suppose you already have wxWidgets compiled, but C::B needs a monolithic build with wxUSE_GRAPHICS_DIRECT2D=1 (this is explained in the llink)
--- Quote from: Miguel Gimenez on June 21, 2021, 07:22:37 pm ---The wiki is reasonably up to date.
I suppose you already have wxWidgets compiled, but C::B needs a monolithic build with wxUSE_GRAPHICS_DIRECT2D=1 (this is explained in the llink)
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IIRC, I failed in C::B when it asked about some folders (or system variables?), something like CB_DEVEL where I had no idea where to set them. But it also may be related to some 3rd party library (tinyXML?).
I will try again and will ask if I run into an issue.
cb_release_type... set it to -O0 -g if you want to save yourself recompiling when you need to debug something.
Generally I want to finish this pull request and commit what we have at the moment. Additional changes could be committed later as a second step.
Are people interested in wx on windows able to test this PR and report if the wizard works for them?
--- Quote from: oBFusCATed on June 21, 2021, 07:29:59 pm ---Generally I want to finish this pull request and commit what we have at the moment. Additional changes could be committed later as a second step.
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I agree with this with perhaps one suggestion based on the discussion here or in the PR.
Currently, the wizard presets the wxWidgets location to "$(#wx)". Perhaps it would be better to firstly check if a variable based on selected wxWidgets version (e.g. "$(#wx30)" for 3.0 and "$(#wx31)" for 3.1) exists and if it does use that. If it does not fall back to "$(#wx)". What do you think about this?
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