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Updating wxWidgets project wizard
eranif/wx-config-msys2: wx-config tool for MSYS2 based installation of wxWidgets using the mingw64 repository
I recently found this good tool, and Code::Blocks support shell escape in the include search or lib search options, so using this could be simple. I haven't tried this tool yet.
--- Quote from: AndrewCot on June 02, 2021, 01:33:41 am ---This may be off topic, but be aware on Windows the three main GCC compilers collections/systems are:
1) MSYS2
2) MingW64
3) Cygwin
The MSYS2 and Mingw64 when you start to use them are different and if you try to mix the libraries causes issues. If you do install them on the one PC then based on my experience they will interfere with one another due to search path issues, so I rename the directories when swapping between the three.
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I must have at least 10 GCC-based compiler toolchains installed, from three different "distributions" (mingw-w64, MSYS2, TDM). I have never encountered any issue but of course, I did not add any of them to the PATH.
--- Quote from: ollydbg on June 02, 2021, 06:18:34 am ---eranif/wx-config-msys2: wx-config tool for MSYS2 based installation of wxWidgets using the mingw64 repository
I recently found this good tool, and Code::Blocks support shell escape in the include search or lib search options, so using this could be simple. I haven't tried this tool yet.
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Sorry, I do not understand the relevance.
The wizard supports the following compilers: Open Watcom, Borland C++, MSVC, and GCC. IMO OW and BCC are dead and I do not think MSVC is used much with C::B.
Still, MSYS2 is but one GCC-based MSW distribution. wxWidgets developers suggest that on MSW, you should build wxWidgets by yourself which allows you also to tailor the build to your needs.
Please notice that when using MSYS2 prebuilt package:
1) The library file (and folder?) names are different than those of official wxWidgets binaries or the binaries self-built with GCC makefile (and in future CMake file).
2) AFAIK, the MSYS2 package does not contain the new Edge-based wxWebView, leaving you with the obsolete IE-based one. AFAICT, configure does not even support Edge backend.
3) Of course, you are at mercy of packagers, which wxWidgets versions do they offer and with which options (e.g., for some reason, some people seem to favour the monolithic build).
Do you really want the wizard to be tied to one wxWidgets distribution and being incompatible with self-built and official binaries?
--- Quote from: PB on June 03, 2021, 10:57:05 am ---Do you really want the wizard to be tied to one wxWidgets distribution and being incompatible with self-built and official binaries?
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No, I think by using eranif/wx-config-msys2 tool, config wx project may be simple. I mean I can only create a simple console project, and tweak the include search path, lib search path and libs by using the shell escape command.
The expect way could let our wxWidgets wizard also support msys2's prebuild libraries.
--- Quote from: PB on June 03, 2021, 10:57:05 am ---The wizard supports the following compilers: Open Watcom, Borland C++, MSVC, and GCC. IMO OW and BCC are dead and I do not think MSVC is used much with C::B.
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It may be that MSVC is not very common with C::B, but I have used that combination for many years and still do.
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