@ AndrewCot:
What is your concurrently processing threads set to at
Settings->clangd_client-> C/C++parser ->Concurrently parsing threads.
It might not be there. I don't know when I implementd that.
Clangd seems to need 3-4 seconds to index a 2-3k line file, but it's very fast at the user response level once a file is indexed
In the new implementation (not uploaded yet) I set clangd parsing the active editor first, then the other open editors, then recently modified files, then all the others.
That way, you do not have to wait to begin using clangd. Just open the editor you want to work in. It gets sent to the front of the line, and it's should be parsed and indexed in 3 or 4 seconds.
Clangd can parse, Goto (decls and defs), find references, rename symbols etc. etc. all at the same time. No need to wait. Just open the file.
You do not need to wait for files to parse like the older CodeCompletion. Just activate the file you want to work in. The non-opened files parse in another address space at their own pace. If you switch editors, clangd-client knows whether it's been parsed or not. If it hasn't been, it's send immediately to clangd which parses it ahead of any background files.
This works great as long as at least one clangd thread is available.
The trick I found was to set the clangd threads to no more than 1/2 of the system (cpu) threads (hard coded in client allocation). I've given clangd 4 threads of my i7's 8 , and set concurrent parsing threads to 2. That usually guarantees that a thread will be available for priority (active editor) parses. I'm able to compile, background parse, GoTo, Find references, code complete, show function, etc all at the same time.
My parsing times look 1/2 of yours.
What's your hardware look like? What cpu, how many threads?
But all of this will come to light with testing and discussion (as you are doing now). Thanks.
Go easy on me for a little longer. I'm running into problems.
Clangd is passing back 3 byte UTF8 chars during code completions, crashing json parses. I'm stalled trying to fix that. I found the culprit today, Hopefully I can fix it tomorrow .
It appears that processing the files is slow as per the logged info shown below:
Opening D:\Andrew_Development\WorkingOnThese\AC-WindowsInstaller\src\CodeBlocks_wx31_64.cbp
cbProject::Open took: 0.725 seconds.
ProjectManager::SetProject took: 1.686 seconds.
ProjectManager::LoadProject took: 2.732 seconds.
ParseManager::CreateParser: Finish creating a new parser for project 'Code::Blocks wx3.1.x (64 bit)'
LSP opened editor parse finished for D:\Andrew_Development\WorkingOnThese\AC-WindowsInstaller\src\plugins\clangd_client\src\LSPclient\include\protocol.h (1441 ms) (496 more)
LSP opened editor parse finished for D:\Andrew_Development\WorkingOnThese\AC-WindowsInstaller\src\plugins\clangd_client\src\codecompletion\parser\LSP_tokenizer.h (3194 ms) (495 more)
LSP opened editor parse finished for D:\Andrew_Development\WorkingOnThese\AC-WindowsInstaller\src\plugins\clangd_client\src\codecompletion\codecompletion.cpp (4342 ms) (494 more)
LSP opened editor parse finished for D:\Andrew_Development\WorkingOnThese\AC-WindowsInstaller\src\plugins\clangd_client\src\LSPclient\include\client.cpp (3738 ms) (493 more)
LSP opened editor parse finished for D:\Andrew_Development\WorkingOnThese\AC-WindowsInstaller\src\include\compilerfactory.h (660 ms) (492 more)
LSP opened editor parse finished for D:\Andrew_Development\WorkingOnThese\AC-WindowsInstaller\src\plugins\clangd_client\src\asyncprocess\asyncprocess.cpp (2228 ms) (491 more)
LSP opened editor parse finished for D:\Andrew_Development\WorkingOnThese\AC-WindowsInstaller\src\sdk\configmanager-revision.cpp (3543 ms) (490 more)
LSP opened editor parse finished for D:\Andrew_Development\WorkingOnThese\AC-WindowsInstaller\src\sdk\cygwin.cpp (3534 ms) (489 more)
LSP background parsing finished for: D:\Andrew_Development\WorkingOnThese\AC-WindowsInstaller\src\src\environmentsettingsdlg.cpp (3262 ms) (488 more)
Is there a way of speeding this up? Any ideas on where to look or what to check or do?
I am using MSYS2 with the latest updates as of a few hours ago (this resulted in waht looked like a big MinGW 64 9.00 run time update) and GCC 11.2.0.