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Code completion using LSP and clangd

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--- Quote from: eckard_klotz on September 29, 2024, 09:26:55 am ---Hello Ollydbg.

--- Quote ---Hi, I think you can edit the wiki by yourself if you have a codeblocks forum account.

Can you try that? Thanks.
--- End quote ---

OK, I tried and it was possible for me.

However, since I changed a document initially setup by somebody else, I would never do such a change without discussing it before.
Furthermore, it is important for me that somebody takes a look to it and if possible tries out if my extension describes really the correct procedure.

So it would be nice if somebody else will test it and will come back a comment if it works or not.

Best regards,
                     Eckard Klotz.

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I understand your concern, and a wiki page is a shared resource, and I'm OK if you add any contribution to that page, especially this section:

7 Windows: Compiler Clangd/LLVM Package Installer



--- Quote from: wtfisgoingoff on October 11, 2024, 04:15:32 pm ---When using code completion plugin , after  whi  typed,  a popup window showed with content  C++ while , and I can just press enter,  while will be printed  in editor.  It works for those keywords too  [for switch ...]But when using Clangd_Client plugin, after whi  typed ,nothing happen.  I have to type the whole word by myself.  Same happened to [for switch ...]
Does Clangd_Client plugin supports this feature? Thx

--- End quote ---

I've noticed this also. Clangd does not respond to keywords. But you can easily add them to your abbreviations set. Settings/Editor/Abbreviations.


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