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Code completion using LSP and clangd

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I'm not quite understand the code, when I read the source code of clangd_client, I see this:

--- Code: ---        size_t resultCount = pJson->at("result").size();
        if (not resultCount) return;

        // Nothing for ShowCalltip is ever in the signature array //(ph 2021/11/1)
        // Show Tootip vs ShowCalltip is so damn confusing !!!
        // **debugging**std::string dumpit = pJson->dump();

        size_t signatureCount = pJson->at("result").at("signatures").size();
        if (not signatureCount) return;

        json signatures = pJson->at("result").at("signatures");
        for (size_t labelndx=0; labelndx<signatureCount && labelndx<10; ++labelndx)
                wxString labelValue = signatures[labelndx].at("label").get<std::string>();

--- End code ---

I'm not sure, but it looks like:

--- Code: ---wxString labelValue = signatures[labelndx].at("label").get<std::string>();

--- End code ---

get<std::string>() should return a std::string.

Do we need to convert it to wxString?

OK, I think I have fixed this issue by using such patch:

--- Code: ---From 8523dd2bd9a58d1780c3d2efe9459f7e5fccfb41 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: hide<hide@hide.hide>
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2022 15:11:28 +0800
Subject: fix the wrong tip code when Chinese comment is used

diff --git a/clangd_client/src/codecompletion/parser/parser.cpp b/clangd_client/src/codecompletion/parser/parser.cpp
index 2b9c5ea..3ddde25 100644
--- a/clangd_client/src/codecompletion/parser/parser.cpp
+++ b/clangd_client/src/codecompletion/parser/parser.cpp
@@ -2546,7 +2546,8 @@ void Parser::OnLSP_HoverResponse(wxCommandEvent& event, std::vector<ClgdCCToken>
         if (not valueItemsCount) return;
         json contents = pJson->at("result").at("contents");
-        wxString contentsValue ="value").get<std::string>();
+        std::string contentsValueStdString ="value").get<std::string>();
+        wxString contentsValue(contentsValueStdString.c_str(), wxConvUTF8);
         // Example Hover contents: L"instance-method HelloWxWorldFrame::OnAbout\n\nType: void\nParameters:\n- wxCommandEvent & event\n\n// In HelloWxWorldFrame\nprivate: void HelloWxWorldFrame::OnAbout(wxCommandEvent &event)"
         // get string array of hover info separated at /n chars.
@@ -2670,7 +2671,8 @@ void Parser::OnLSP_SignatureHelpResponse(wxCommandEvent& event, std::vector<cbCo
         json signatures = pJson->at("result").at("signatures");
         for (size_t labelndx=0; labelndx<signatureCount && labelndx<10; ++labelndx)
-                wxString labelValue = signatures[labelndx].at("label").get<std::string>();
+                std::string labelValueStdString = signatures[labelndx].at("label").get<std::string>();
+                wxString labelValue(labelValueStdString.c_str(), wxConvUTF8);

--- End code ---

I'm not sure the second hunk is needed, but the first hunk is the true fix.

Since i have seen quite some string encoding related issues in this thread and many try-and-error attempts to solve them, i want to add my two cents to these issues.

Never do this:

--- Code: ---wxString contentsValue ="value").get<std::string>();

--- End code ---

This converts the std::string into a wxString using the currently set C++ locale. A locale set in CodeBlocks. But this std::string does not come from CodeBlocks. Also, std::string has, at least on Windows, no support for UTF-8. However, this doesn't stop anyone from putting UTF-8 into such a string. As long as you don't use methods that depend on the locale, this is fine. The code snippet above does depend on the locale.

Now these two lines:

--- Code: ---std::string contentsValueStdString ="value").get<std::string>();
wxString contentsValue(contentsValueStdString.c_str(), wxConvUTF8);

--- End code ---

These lines manually convert the std::string to a wxString by telling the wxString object that the std::string does contain UTF-8. Since the user post says this does fix the issue, apparently there is UTF-8 inside that std::string.

I suggest you figure out what encoding Clang does use and then check your code if you rely anywhere else on such automatic conversions. Also, wxWidgets offers the build option wxNO_UNSAFE_WXSTRING_CONV to disable such implicit conversions, but i am not sure if this does also work for std::string, they mention only C-Strings.


--- Quote from: sodev on September 30, 2022, 08:22:14 pm ---Since i have seen quite some string encoding related issues in this thread and many try-and-error attempts to solve them, i want to add my two cents to these issues.

Never do this:

--- Code: ---wxString contentsValue ="value").get<std::string>();

--- End code ---

This converts the std::string into a wxString using the currently set C++ locale. A locale set in CodeBlocks. But this std::string does not come from CodeBlocks. Also, std::string has, at least on Windows, no support for UTF-8. However, this doesn't stop anyone from putting UTF-8 into such a string. As long as you don't use methods that depend on the locale, this is fine. The code snippet above does depend on the locale.

Now these two lines:

--- Code: ---std::string contentsValueStdString ="value").get<std::string>();
wxString contentsValue(contentsValueStdString.c_str(), wxConvUTF8);

--- End code ---

These lines manually convert the std::string to a wxString by telling the wxString object that the std::string does contain UTF-8. Since the user post says this does fix the issue, apparently there is UTF-8 inside that std::string.

I suggest you figure out what encoding Clang does use and then check your code if you rely anywhere else on such automatic conversions. Also, wxWidgets offers the build option wxNO_UNSAFE_WXSTRING_CONV to disable such implicit conversions, but i am not sure if this does also work for std::string, they mention only C-Strings.

--- End quote ---

Hi, sodev, thanks for the advice.

If I remember correctly, the clangd_client use the UTF-8 format for it's input source. Normally I use UTF-8 for my source code, but my system(Windows) locale is not UTF-8.

I see that clangd's document: Protocol extensions UTF-8 offsets

It said it can support UTF-8.


--- Quote from: ollydbg on October 01, 2022, 01:47:51 am ---
--- Quote from: sodev on September 30, 2022, 08:22:14 pm ---Since i have seen quite some string encoding related issues in this thread and many try-and-error attempts to solve them, i want to add my two cents to these issues.

Never do this:

--- Code: ---wxString contentsValue ="value").get<std::string>();

--- End code ---

This converts the std::string into a wxString using the currently set C++ locale. A locale set in CodeBlocks. But this std::string does not come from CodeBlocks. Also, std::string has, at least on Windows, no support for UTF-8. However, this doesn't stop anyone from putting UTF-8 into such a string. As long as you don't use methods that depend on the locale, this is fine. The code snippet above does depend on the locale.

Now these two lines:

--- Code: ---std::string contentsValueStdString ="value").get<std::string>();
wxString contentsValue(contentsValueStdString.c_str(), wxConvUTF8);

--- End code ---

These lines manually convert the std::string to a wxString by telling the wxString object that the std::string does contain UTF-8. Since the user post says this does fix the issue, apparently there is UTF-8 inside that std::string.

I suggest you figure out what encoding Clang does use and then check your code if you rely anywhere else on such automatic conversions. Also, wxWidgets offers the build option wxNO_UNSAFE_WXSTRING_CONV to disable such implicit conversions, but i am not sure if this does also work for std::string, they mention only C-Strings.

--- End quote ---

Hi, sodev, thanks for the advice.

If I remember correctly, the clangd_client use the UTF-8 format for it's input source. Normally I use UTF-8 for my source code, but my system(Windows) locale is not UTF-8.

I see that clangd's document: Protocol extensions UTF-8 offsets

It said it can support UTF-8.

--- End quote ---


Thanks for this. I'll get to work checking every use of std::string to wxString in the source.

Clangd by default uses utf16. But it allows the use of utf8 as an option.


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