I'm using the latest nightly in a Windows 7 pro 64 bit OS and for the first time I tested your implementation of the code completion using Clangd. Overall I like it and it's working but I have the following comments.
Firstly, thanks for testing.
Regarding 1)You do not have to wait for the background parsing to finish.
Active editors always get parsed first, then inactive editors, then background (non-editor) files. Newly opened editors go to the head of the queue and get parsed ahead of background files. Code completion requests also go to the head of queue.
There's no need to wait after the
active editor is parsed (3 to 7 secs).
When I open CodeBlocks workspace (31_64), the active editor is indexed by clangd in a max of 7 seconds. All open editors have been indexed in less than 30 seconds. But I never have to wait more then 3-7 seconds to use code completion or other clangd features from within the active editor.
All those files being parsed in the background are used to fill the symbols tree. They're parsed in order of last-changed-time, then last-opened-time then all others so that the symbols tree gets filled with the most likely used files and symbols.
Regarding 2)Currently, changes on a single line need to be saved manually. Changes on multiple lines usually are recognized and clangd reparses the file. This is how the older codecompletion worked but I'll see if I can do a little better in a furture fix.
Regarding 3)CodeBlocks clangd_client has no control over what clangd reports as a warning. However you can hide the warning as follows:
With the warning in the LSP messages log, right click on the "LSP messages" tab and click on "Show/set ignore messages". In the resulting dialog, check the box for the messages you want to ignore.
Regarding Indentation:I have no idea what indentation rules clang/clangd is applying to source files.