If it doesn't work inspect the build log.
Thanks for informing this point, if you didn't tell me, I wouldn't know about inspecting the log result.
I actually found the included flag with the log, I don't know if it's working to suppress the warning, because I declared a variable and didn't initialize it; with and without the inclusion of this flag but didn't get the warning as before.
gcc.exe -Wall -g -Wuninitialized -w -c F:\Programming\programming_dev\desktop_programming\C\sketches\fun_ptr_test\main.c -o obj\Debug\main.o
gcc.exe -Wall -g -Wuninitialized -w -c F:\Programming\programming_dev\desktop_programming\C\sketches\fun_ptr_test\modules.c -o obj\Debug\modules.o
gcc.exe -Wall -g -Wuninitialized -w -c F:\Programming\programming_dev\desktop_programming\C\sketches\fun_ptr_test\task_manager.c -o obj\Debug\task_manager.o
Anyway I learned something today about how to deal with certain flag, and there's a lot to learn too.
Thanks all