I do not know whether it is strictly win32 or linux as well, but the interface with the GDB debugger has problems.
Specifically: the cd command in gdb does not accept quotes, but will accept paths that include spaces
To verify: open command (file->run), then type gdb. in the gdb command line, type cd "C:/Windows", and see the error message it results in. You can also verify paths with spaces this way.
To fix:
in debuggergdb.h, add this line under protected:
void StripQuotes(wxString& str);
in debuggergdb.cpp, add above the cd command (line 501)
StripQuotes(path); //GDB doesn't accept quotes in cd commands...spaces work fine
msgMan->Log(m_PageIndex, _("Changing directory to: %s"), path.c_str());
and later, add the function implimentation:
void DebuggerGDB::StripQuotes(wxString& str)
if (str.GetChar(0) == '\"') str = str.Mid(1, str.Length() - 2);
I am fairly sure that the "directory" command is not working properly, but it is not giving output that can easily be checked. Through command line testing, it looks like paths will need to be converted to dos style (Docume~1 stuff), and then quotes removed. I can write this up, but would like some confirmation it is necessary, and to know how it acts on linux.
Hope this helps,
--Eric Burnett