Author Topic: The 01 March 2020 build (11973) is out.  (Read 30242 times)

Offline killerbot

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The 01 March 2020 build (11973) is out.
« on: March 01, 2020, 10:26:16 am »
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Before you use a nightly make sure you understand how it works.

A link to the unicode windows wxWidget dll(s) for Code::Blocks :
A link to Mingw64 dll's needed by Code::Blocks :

The 01 March 2020 build is out.
  - Windows :
  - Linux :

The current SDK version is : 1.47.0

Resolved Fixed:

  • wizard: Add hint about global variables to wxWidgets' wizard (windows only) (ticket #916, thanks Miguel Gimenez)
  • UI: Fix regression caused by the fix to ticket #912 (ticket #919, thanks Miguel Gimenez)
  • wxSmith: Generate correct event when using wxTimePickerCtrl (ticket #920, thanks Miguel Gimenez)
  • editor: Fix assert when saving files and the "default_encoding" setting is empty

Regressions/Confirmed/Annoying/Common bugs:

    Offline Xaviou

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    Re: The 01 March 2020 build (11973) is out.
    « Reply #1 on: March 01, 2020, 03:52:04 pm »

    OS X version of this rev can be downloaded from my Google Drive (needs at least OS X 10.15)

    Debian Stretch and Buster (32 and 64 bits) can be installed from my repo.

    My wxWidgets's stuff :

    Offline zed

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    Re: The 01 March 2020 build (11973) is out.
    « Reply #2 on: March 01, 2020, 05:36:20 pm »
    Archive contains CB build 11972 (19 Jan 2020).

    Offline raynebc

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    Re: The 01 March 2020 build (11973) is out.
    « Reply #3 on: March 01, 2020, 10:44:22 pm »
    Since the last time I rebooted my computer, Code::Blocks would frequently hang even if I did nothing after launching it.  Disabling all plugins did not help, and attempting to disable the Threaded Search plugin would immediately result in the program crashing.  I ended up moving the DLL from the plugins folder as a workaround.  I'd mostly been using 17.12 due to some documented bugs regarding the IDE's use in a Remote Desktop session (,23498.msg160045.html#msg160045), but if I can't use it at all I'm forced to upgrade or just reboot again and hope for better results.  Downloading this latest nightly, I checked the plugins, and everything was disabled except threaded search, and likewise trying to disable it there results in the program crashing.  Is this a known bug?  Is there a workaround other than to delete/move the DLL for it?  Is there any troubleshooting I can do or do I just have to give up on 17.12?

    Edit:  There's also some strange issue with this nightly where selecting text does not draw a background to reflect that it is highlighted.  Is there a simple fix for this?
    « Last Edit: March 01, 2020, 10:50:09 pm by raynebc »

    Offline killerbot

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    Re: The 01 March 2020 build (11973) is out.
    « Reply #4 on: March 01, 2020, 10:46:12 pm »
    11972 is latest on trunk, the other date will check was it lags behind.

    Offline raynebc

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    Re: The 01 March 2020 build (11973) is out.
    « Reply #5 on: March 02, 2020, 04:37:06 am »
    Also, about 3/4 a year ago, it was suggested that the font used in "Logs & others" may be chosen automatically by wx and my findings is that it changes depending on the OS's defined locale.  Had anything changed to where I could actually change it to Courier New (which can be configured in the Editor settings)?

    Offline oBFusCATed

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    Re: The 01 March 2020 build (11973) is out.
    « Reply #6 on: March 02, 2020, 10:47:51 am »
    Since the last time I rebooted my computer, Code::Blocks would frequently hang even if I did nothing after launching it.
    What do you mean by hang (crash to desktop or the UI is unresponsive)? Which version is doing this?
    Can you attach a debugger and show backtrace for all threads of a hanged process? It might give us a clue which function/dll is doing this.

    Disabling all plugins did not help, and attempting to disable the Threaded Search plugin would immediately result in the program crashing.  I ended up moving the DLL from the plugins folder as a workaround.  I'd mostly been using 17.12 due to some documented bugs regarding the IDE's use in a Remote Desktop session (,23498.msg160045.html#msg160045), but if I can't use it at all I'm forced to upgrade or just reboot again and hope for better results.  Downloading this latest nightly, I checked the plugins, and everything was disabled except threaded search, and likewise trying to disable it there results in the program crashing.  Is this a known bug?  Is there a workaround other than to delete/move the DLL for it?  Is there any troubleshooting I can do or do I just have to give up on 17.12?
    ThreadSearch unloading crash is known, I've fixing it but I've god distracted... I will do it soon.

    Edit:  There's also some strange issue with this nightly where selecting text does not draw a background to reflect that it is highlighted.  Is there a simple fix for this?
    First time I hear about this I think. Remote desktop or normal desktop? Does it happen with the previous night builds?
    (most of the time I ignore long posts)
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    Offline oBFusCATed

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    Re: The 01 March 2020 build (11973) is out.
    « Reply #7 on: March 02, 2020, 10:49:42 am »
    Also, about 3/4 a year ago, it was suggested that the font used in "Logs & others" may be chosen automatically by wx and my findings is that it changes depending on the OS's defined locale.  Had anything changed to where I could actually change it to Courier New (which can be configured in the Editor settings)?
    Nope you can only change the size of the font...
    (most of the time I ignore long posts)
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    Offline BlueHazzard

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    Re: The 01 March 2020 build (11973) is out.
    « Reply #8 on: March 02, 2020, 11:19:23 am »
    Since the last time I rebooted my computer, Code::Blocks would frequently hang even if I did nothing after launching it.  Disabling all plugins did not help, and attempting to disable the Threaded Search plugin would immediately result in the program crashing.  I ended up moving the DLL from the plugins folder as a workaround.  I'd mostly been using 17.12 due to some documented bugs regarding the IDE's use in a Remote Desktop session (,23498.msg160045.html#msg160045), but if I can't use it at all I'm forced to upgrade or just reboot again and hope for better results.
    I am now in the position to make a RDP connection between two windows pc and debug this issue. Can you open a Ticket on SF and describe the exact steps to reproduce the crashes (with wxWidgets versions and codeblocks versions)? Please describe in detail, because i never used RDP (is it something like X forwarding?) on windows. It is quite difficult to read trough all the forum posts and it would be nice to have all information in one Ticket.... Then i can try to fix this. Thank you for your patience.

    Offline raynebc

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    Re: The 01 March 2020 build (11973) is out.
    « Reply #9 on: March 02, 2020, 08:29:07 pm »
    What do you mean by hang (crash to desktop or the UI is unresponsive)? Which version is doing this?
    Can you attach a debugger and show backtrace for all threads of a hanged process? It might give us a clue which function/dll is doing this.
    UI hangs indefinitely (possibly forever) and Windows says it isn't responding.  I could attach a debugger on the release made here but as per my previous posts, my version of MinGW is incapable of building from source so I can't build with debugging symbols and my backtrace may be useless to you.

    First time I hear about this I think. Remote desktop or normal desktop? Does it happen with the previous night builds?
    I didn't use the previous couple nightly builds much because of the RDP problems, but the selected text missing background coloration issue was when launching and using C::B in person.  Speaking of the RDP issue, my C::B session I left running crashed when I RDP'd into the machine today.  Relaunching this nightly within an RDP session results in the same assertion failures that I can continue past, and at least during this session I'm not seeing the selected text coloration bug.  I'll have to see what happens when I use it again in person later.

    I am now in the position to make a RDP connection between two windows pc and debug this issue. Can you open a Ticket on SF and describe the exact steps to reproduce the crashes (with wxWidgets versions and codeblocks versions)? Please describe in detail, because i never used RDP (is it something like X forwarding?) on windows. It is quite difficult to read trough all the forum posts and it would be nice to have all information in one Ticket.... Then i can try to fix this. Thank you for your patience.
    I created a ticket:
    Please let me know if you need any more information.  It should mostly just involve enabling Remote Desktop connections on the computer from which you'll launch C::B, and connecting to it from another Windows machine.

    Thank you both for your help.

    Edit:  The hanging issue might not be limited to CodeBlocks.  Multiple applications seem to be experiencing some kind of bug when ANY keypress causes the program to hang.  I don't know what would have changed to cause this.  My antivirus had an update so I installed that and rebooted, but no luck yet.

    Edit 2:  The keypress hanging bug extends to various older programs that presumably use older GUI frameworks/libraries, including C::B 17.12, an old version of VirtualDub, my GUI application developed with Allegro 4, DYNDNS's update client program and probably many others.  I don't know if there was an OS or AV update that bricked this or what.

    Edit 3:  The hanging programs issue turned out to be a problem with bttray.exe (Bluetooth driver).  Killing it stopped the hanging issue.  Now I got to figure out how to resolve that without bricking the ability to use wireless headphones...
    « Last Edit: March 03, 2020, 12:03:02 am by raynebc »

    Offline raynebc

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    Re: The 01 March 2020 build (11973) is out.
    « Reply #10 on: March 03, 2020, 08:05:39 am »
    So the hanging problems I mentioned were exclusively problems with glitchy Bluetooth drivers, that can be dismissed as it has nothing to do with C::B.

    After a fresh reboot and launching this nightly locally at the computer, the text highlighting but I described is present.  Selecting text in any source file that I open in the C::B editor (.c, .h, .cpp files in the project), or even in text files I manually open in the C::B editor, the text darkens by a very minute amount that is barely discernible, but the background color remains white.  Other instances of the selected text on the screen gain pink highlighting to prove that the text is in fact selected.  I tested some other nightlies (7-6-2019, 10-6-2019) and the same problem happens in those, but it does not happen in 17.12.  I guess there is some sort of problem with the newer WX's behavior or use in C::B that is evident in my computer's setup.  Since I have exclusively been using 17.12, I would not have been able to notice when this problem first occurred.

    Edit:  After some testing, I found that the issue was that C::B had set the background color for selected text (Settings>Editor>Syntax highlighting>Selection) to white even though this is not appropriate for the "default" color theme that is in use.  I don't know if this is a glitch with how C::B brought in my configuration from older C::B builds or what.  After setting this background color to light gray (third to last of the basic colors offered), it matched how it had been working in 17.12 and worked as expected.  After clicking "Reset defaults" in the syntax highlighting settings again, the selection background again got reset to white.  I can't imagine I'm the only one that got confused by this behavior, it should probably be improved.
    « Last Edit: March 03, 2020, 08:12:55 am by raynebc »

    Offline oBFusCATed

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    Re: The 01 March 2020 build (11973) is out.
    « Reply #11 on: March 04, 2020, 06:31:46 pm »
    I've done some changes to this recently and I might have broken something (or exposed another bug).
    Can you attach one broken config file (I don't think there is sensitive info in it, but if you're afraid to attach it, you can send me a pm)?
    (most of the time I ignore long posts)
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    Offline lurch

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    Re: The 01 March 2020 build (11973) is out.
    « Reply #12 on: March 04, 2020, 06:57:34 pm »,3232.0.html "How to use a nightly build" still has links to - could these be updated please? (ref:,19397.msg132569.html )

    Offline lurch

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    Re: The 01 March 2020 build (11973) is out.
    « Reply #13 on: March 04, 2020, 07:07:36 pm »
    And on a similar note, has links to "Jens' Debian repository" but this seems very out of date, as the latest nightly version hosted there is 16.01svn11239 which ironically is even older than the binary releases offered on  :'(

    Would it make sense to instead link to instead? (from the second post in this thread)

    Offline raynebc

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    Re: The 01 March 2020 build (11973) is out.
    « Reply #14 on: March 06, 2020, 03:20:26 am »
    I've done some changes to this recently and I might have broken something (or exposed another bug).
    Can you attach one broken config file (I don't think there is sensitive info in it, but if you're afraid to attach it, you can send me a pm)?
    I'm guessing you want the default.conf file?  I've attached that (when the default selection background is selected and is white on a white editor background), but if that's the wrong file, please let me know.