User forums > Embedded development
function information?
what do i need (to enable) to have the same amount information in CB as i get in VisualCode about a function?
Write a plugin based on the language server protocol which talks to something like clangd...
This is in case you have the documentation popups enable in codecompletion settings...
that would be over my head, unfortunately
--- Quote from: oBFusCATed on September 08, 2019, 06:00:51 pm ---This is in case you have the documentation popups enable in codecompletion settings...
--- End quote ---
Do you have the documentation popups enabled, as suggested?
Edit: It will not do all of what you want!
Tim S.
yes, I believe so.
General Settings -> Editor Settings -> documentation popup - tooltips = enable
Is there anything else that I need to change/check, please?
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