NativeParser::SafeExecute: Re-Entry protection.
NativeParser::SafeExecute: Re-Entry protection.
NativeParser::SafeExecute: Re-Entry protection.
NativeParser::SafeExecute: Re-Entry protection.
NativeParser::SafeExecute: Re-Entry protection.
NativeParser::SafeExecute: Re-Entry protection.
NativeParser::SafeExecute: Re-Entry protection.
NativeParser::SafeExecute: Re-Entry protection.
NativeParser::SafeExecute: Re-Entry protection.
NativeParser::SafeExecute: Re-Entry protection.
NativeParser::SafeExecute: Re-Entry protection.
NativeParser::SafeExecute: Re-Entry protection.
NativeParser::SafeExecute: Re-Entry protection.
NativeParser::SafeExecute: Re-Entry protection.
NativeParser::SafeExecute: Re-Entry protection.
NativeParser::SafeExecute: Re-Entry protection.
NativeParser::SafeExecute: Re-Entry protection.
NativeParser::SafeExecute: Re-Entry protection.
NativeParser::SafeExecute: Re-Entry protection.
NativeParser::SafeExecute: Re-Entry protection.
NativeParser::SafeExecute: Re-Entry protection.
NativeParser::SafeExecute: Re-Entry protection.
NativeParser::SafeExecute: Re-Entry protection.
NativeParser::SafeExecute: Re-Entry protection.
NativeParser::SafeExecute: Re-Entry protection.
NativeParser::GetCompilerUsingStandardGCC: Using language standard: -std=gnu++11
NativeParser::SafeExecute: Re-Entry protection.
NativeParser::DoFullParsing: AddCompilerPredefinedMacros failed!
NativeParser::DoFullParsing: Adding cpp/c files to batch-parser
NativeParser::DoFullParsing: Added 461 source file(s) for project 'Code::Blocks wx3.1.x' to batch-parser...
This is using the latest svn build myself when opening the C::B project.
Any ideas how those are happened?

I think this log message were added my morten's recent commit: (rev 11782)
* CC: Fixed annoying bug that the compiler calls fail due to missing dependencies (DLLs) and crashes. This happened esp. is projects with multiple targets that use different compilers like MinGW32 and MinGW64. Now, all compiler calls (i.e. for macros, constants...) are safely executed by temporarily expanding the PATH variable such that the compiler can find the right libraries. Also, it is safe-guarded against re-entry for threaded calls. Most experienced on Windows. Might not have been an issue on Linux at all.