Since none of you actually know me and I'm asking a number of stupid questions, it seems it would be a good idea to let you know why I'm here and what I'm trying to accomplish.
At the moment I find myself unemployed (so if you need a C++ guy for embedded or cloud work, please think of me) and in need of something to keep me from freaking out in between interviews. I've always thought of code::Blocks as a very underrated project that more people should know about and use.
It saddens me that support for macOS and cloud environments like Docker/Alpine has been lacking.
Of course I could whine about it endlessly, but since I have a lot of free time right now, I think I'll try to chip in.
I've already thrown up a Docker image for code:Blocks on Alpine.
I'm working on a CMAKE build script and a CI/CD environment under Bamboo. My first focus there is getting macOS to build against the latest source release. The latest macOS bundle is currently version 13.12, while Linux and Windows are an 17.12. That seems unacceptable to me. Once I have the CMAKE script functioning properly, a build should generate an MSI for Windows, DMG for macOS, RPM for CentOS, APK for Alpine, DEB/PKG for Debian/Ubuntu and I'm hoping to target Homebrew/MacPorts as well. That should make it easy to keep all the major platforms at parity.
There aren't any unit tests, it seems. Retrofitting that onto such a large application with so much history will be intense, but I'm mulling that over and hoping others will throw their hats in the ring.
The other thing I want to work on is making it easier to create plug-ins. I think plug-ins are code::Blocks' killer feature, and would love to see a thriving community developing support for just about every language, debugger and utility imaginable. I envision something like the current Docker hub, kind of an App Store for code::Blocks. It looks like about 100 plug-ins currently exist. I'd like to see that number rise to north of 10,000.
One final thing is that I'd like to chug through as many of the open bugs as possible. My hope is that if we get more people using code::Blocks, we'll also pick up more people who are willing to tackle a few open issues. There are ~400 open issues currently. That shouldn't be too hard to whittle down if we can get 30 people actively working on bugs. Call me an optimist!?!
The danger in sharing all of this is that once I get a job (please, oh please God let that be soon), contributing here will become a hobby, so I'm hoping that (a) the original code::Blocks developers will accept that I have good intentions and am not here to be a muckraker (b) that I can encourage a large number of lurkers and newbies to step up and make code::Blocks into something even more fantastic than it already is.