I did a search for all files named 'wx-config" and found several of them. These were:
"/etc/alternatives/wx-config" was a broken link. I removed it.
"which wx-config" returned "/usr/bin/wx-config", which is the wrong prefix, and which is the reason for the difficulty. I removed it.
The script:
returned the prefix equivalent "~/devel/wxWidgets-3.0.3" which is the directory I built wxWidgets in. I am not sure if this should be deleted so I left it there.
All others returned the wrong prefixes so I deleted them. These ones I removed were likely left over from binary installs of wxWidgets.
In the Instructions at:
http://wiki.codeblocks.org/index.php/Installing_Code::Blocks_from_source_on_Linux there is instruction to execute this command (altered for my circumstance):
export PATH=/opt/wx/3.0/bin/:$PATH
This changes the path only temporarily. To make the path survive relog I had prepended the prefix to the path I in the file: /etc/environment so I would not have to do this everytime I run Code::Blocks after a rerun.
The wxWidgets is successful now. And so is the Code::Blocks compile. But when I run Code::Blocks I get the error:
codeblocks: error while loading shared libraries: libcodeblocks.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
The file libcodeblocks.so.0 does exist in the path:
Code::Blocks cannot find it. I would appreciate any suggestions regarding what to do about it.
Rignt now this is the system path:
$ echo $PATH