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wxSmith and the Style woes of the future.

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I'm at work atm I'll check that patch when I get off. But what happens when you open a wxs file that contains old styles with the patched wxsmith is simply no style gets checked. No error messages or anything. I assume that's because no option matches what is saved and it's just ignored as a result.

edit: Oh, also don't forget wxSmith can save .XRC code too. So it needs to write correctly to the users code, the wxs file and the wxSmith generated xrc file too.

I have an active project that uses XRC files so I'll check that your patch works with those after work too.

Also can linux controls actually have two border styles applied to them? Or should the style selection be changed to like a combobox or something so only one can be selected?

Doesn't make sense to have, but these are style flags, so the control cannot be changed to a radiobox/button or similar.

That patch works for me in that the value gets converted properly on load but doesn't actually get changed on anything until something is changed causing wxSmith to update. once that happens however all files are changed accordingly.


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