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Ardunio Project Help

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I downgraded to 1.0.6, still will not work.

Please post a full rebuild log as posted here:


--- Quote from: BlueHazzard on June 23, 2018, 09:19:15 pm ---Please post a full rebuild log as posted here:

--- End quote ---

Literally what I have done.
The error I gave was the only error reported.
I have described the problem.
I've done nearly everything posted there.
But in a consice manner;
Codeblocks 17.12
Mingw-w64 6.2.0
Windows 8;
Problem: Code::Blocks Arduino project doesn't work; Doesn't link correctly.
What I have tried: Setting Code::Blocks' "ARDUINO_DIR" variable to the Arduino IDE; Stting System Variable "ARDUINO_DIR" to Arduino IDE; Rebuilding multiple times

--- Code: ---||=== Build: Simulator - Debug in ardunioSafeController (compiler: Mingw-w64) ===|
(Directory to folder... Irrellevant)\Programming Projects\ardunioSafeController\cores\CDC.cpp|3|fatal error: CDC.cpp: No such file or directory|
||=== Build failed: 1 error(s), 0 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 1 second(s)) ===|

--- End code ---


--- Code: ---
-------------- Clean: Simulator - Debug in ardunioSafeController (compiler: Mingw-w64)---------------

Cleaned "ardunioSafeController - Simulator - Debug"

-------------- Build: Simulator - Debug in ardunioSafeController (compiler: Mingw-w64)---------------

g++.exe -Wall -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -x c++ -s -DF_CPU=16000000L -DARDUINO=103 -DUSE_EEPROM=0 -DUSE_ETHERNET=0 -DUSE_FIRMATA=0 -DUSE_LCD=0 -DUSE_LCD4884=0 -DUSE_OBD=0 -DUSE_SD=0 -DUSE_SERVO=0 -DUSE_SOFTSERIAL=0 -DUSE_SPI=0 -DUSE_STEPPER=0 -DUSE_TINYGPS=0 -DUSE_WIRE=0 -g -DARDUSIM -DENABLE_API_NAME -D__AVR_ATmega328P__ -I. -IC:\CodeBlocks/ardusim\libraries\EEPROM -IC:\CodeBlocks/ardusim\libraries\Ethernet -IC:\CodeBlocks/ardusim\libraries\Firmata -IC:\CodeBlocks/ardusim\libraries\Flash -IC:\CodeBlocks/ardusim\libraries\LCD4884 -IC:\CodeBlocks/ardusim\libraries\LCD4Bit_mod -IC:\CodeBlocks/ardusim\libraries\LiquidCrystal -IC:\CodeBlocks/ardusim\libraries\OBD -IC:\CodeBlocks/ardusim\libraries\SD -IC:\CodeBlocks/ardusim\libraries\SD\utility -IC:\CodeBlocks/ardusim\libraries\Servo -IC:\CodeBlocks/ardusim\libraries\SevenSegment -IC:\CodeBlocks/ardusim\libraries\SoftwareSerial -IC:\CodeBlocks/ardusim\libraries\SPI -IC:\CodeBlocks/ardusim\libraries\Stepper -IC:\CodeBlocks/ardusim\libraries\TinyGPS -IC:\CodeBlocks/ardusim\libraries\Wire -IC:\CodeBlocks/ardusim\libraries\Wire\utility -IC:\CodeBlocks/ardusim\arduino\cores -IC:\CodeBlocks/ardusim\arduino\variants\standard -IC:\CodeBlocks/ardusim\include -c "C:\Users\matthew\Desktop\Programming Projects\ardunioSafeController\cores\CDC.cpp" -o obj\Debug\cores\CDC.o
C:\Users\matthew\Desktop\Programming Projects\ardunioSafeController\cores\CDC.cpp:3:19: fatal error: CDC.cpp: No such file or directory
 #include <CDC.cpp>
compilation terminated.
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minute(s), 1 second(s))
1 error(s), 0 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 1 second(s))

--- End code ---
Nothing new. Doing the same thing over and over again, changing nothing, and expecting a different result is insanity.

And, which wizard are you now using?

--- Quote ---Do you use the integrated wizard or the one from ?
--- End quote ---

Tim S.

So, lets explain how this works: The wizard creates a file named CDC.cpp which only includes CDC.cpp. We do this because we need to include code (implementation) from arduino's sources.
And this is the easiest way. I guess we should rename the project files to something more obvious.

The problem for you is that the include search paths in the project aren't correct.
Please inspect them and then verify that in one of them there is a file CDC.cpp.
Probably there are multiple such files, you'll have to select the correct one for your device.
Repeat with the other errors.

Probably switching to my wizard might help, but it isn't really tested on windows. :(
I'll see if I can make it work with the latest arduino.


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