When I was triing to create wxTreeListCtrl with wxSmit got a huge list of errors:
fatal error: wx/treelistctrl.h: No such file or directory
the reason
#include <wx/treelistctrl.h>
must be changed to
error: 'wxTreeItemId' does not name a type
reason is this line:
wxTreeItemId TreeListCtrl1ID[8];
error: 'class wxTreeListCtrl' has no member named 'AddColumn'
the reason
TreeListCtrl1->AddColumn(_("First"), 64);
must be changed to
TreeListCtrl1->AppendColumn(_("First"), 64);
error: 'class wxTreeListCtrl' has no member named 'AddRoot'
reason is this line:
TreeListCtrl1ID[0] = TreeListCtrl1->AddRoot(_("(root)"));
error: 'class wxTreeListCtrl' has no member named 'ExpandAll'
reason is this line:
error: 'class wxTreeListCtrl' has no member named 'SetColumnEditable'
reason is this line:
TreeListCtrl1->SetColumnEditable(0, false);
and there some more error mesages. I have fixed it all manually, but after making changes to the GUI everithing becomes f*cked up again.