I've updated quite a few things, with the most important ones being linux support, Qt 3 support and multiple compilers support (at least gcc and icc were recognized beautifully) though you will have to delete any old Makefiles created for another compiler. I wasn't really planning on giving an update this early but that compiler ID instead of index change rushed things a bit so here you are (I didn't want any "I can't compile" remarks

). To build this one (namely 0.3) you 'll need at least revision 1967 of codeblocks. You'll also find a project file for linux, I had some problems with backticking wx-config --cflags. If anyone experiences this just give
wx-config --cflags to a console and add anything that it outputs to the compiler options and it will build.
I 'll focus on workspace compilation and per target compilation to see what can be done there (it sohuld be easy as I've seen) and continue with the rest of the gui stuff, so it should be a while before I update again. You can get this latest release from the attachment in the first post. Any kind of feedback is welcome,