Since TDM seems to have dissapeared

i decided to make a new build of his multilib compiler for mingw-w64.
gcc version is at 6.4.0 and since im using the mingw-builds build scripts as a base, it follows the mingw-builds directory structure (so no lib something _64).
This means that it is quite a bit easier to work with, the downside is that you will have dll's in some odd places like /mingw32/i686-w64-mingw32/lib.
The compiler defaults to linking statically to libgcc / libstdc++ and still supports throwing exceptions from static libgcc / libstdc++ like TDM's.
The packaged gdb uses mingw-w64 built python for pretty printing via a wrapper for gdb.
I will upload my gcc-6.4.0 builds shortly + build scripts. Just laying the final hand on the build scripts for previous versions of gcc for good measure

Earlier versions of gcc might not sound like something that will be used much, but in some cases you run into sources that only build with earlier versions of gcc, in which case this comes in handy indeed.
Links will be posted in this thread when done.