Your question is so vague
This MAY be due to the fact that English is not my main language.
The most clear version of the question I can give is : what is the most recent nightly build that I should download to be able to use wxSmith with wxWidget 3 ?
The fact that I always see informations about wxWidgets 2.x in the nightlyBuilds topic worries me a little.
Actually I'v got a build of wxWidget on my Linux machine but the executable won't work because it wasn't compiled with the same version of gcc than my codeblocks instance. I did this a long time ago so I can't remember which version I used.
And on Windows it won't compile at all.
So I downloaded MinGW 5.1 and I'm ready to compile what's needed but I wanted to be sure about the version I should download.
Actually I read my OP again and I can't agree with the fact that it's vague ^^ I'm asking what nightly build will be compatible with the use of wxSmith & wxWidget 3.