Author Topic: How to develop a new plugin?  (Read 9086 times)

Offline Дмитро

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How to develop a new plugin?
« on: May 03, 2017, 01:56:38 pm »
Kind all day and night!

I want a plugin that would edit and remove stray '\ 302' in programs and so on and so on.

I have no idea how to plug. I do not know how to use plugins. How is it better that such a plug-in?

Offline BlueHazzard

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Re: How to develop a new plugin?
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2017, 10:06:25 am »
a possible start to develop a plugin is to create a plugin project with the wizard. This will give you a start.
Then you should read the plugin development things in the wiki. There is written quite a lot that can help you.
Also a lot help is if you start reading the code of existing plugins. What i can read from your post you want to create a plugin that searches for text and replaces it. Then i would read the source code of the incrementalsearch plugin:
this plugin is not so big, so you can read and understand the code about it.

If you simply want to replace/remove all '\ 302' characters, why don't you simply use search and replace for this?

[Edit:] This ticket will help you if you want to debug your plugin:

Offline Ronnachai

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Re: How to develop a new plugin?
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2017, 12:45:39 pm »
If it does not change the plugin to replace the old is a better solution offline.